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Venezuela condemns assassination attempt against Vladimir Putin

The government of Venezuela condemned this Wednesday the “attempted assassination, in degree of frustration”, which was attempted against the president of Russia, Vladimir Putininformed the Foreign Ministry of the Caribbean country in a statement.

He Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted the “effective action” from the Russian security forces, who “opportunely managed to neutralize two unmanned aerial vehicles directed towards the palace of the kremlinwhose infamous intention was to attempt the life of President Putin”.

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Venezuela reaffirms its historic position of rejection of all acts of aggression and repudiates all forms, expressions and demonstrations that threaten international security and peace”, he added.

He also expressed histotal solidarity” with Russia in view of these facts and hopes that the authorities bring to justice the material and intellectual authors who “organized, financed and sponsored this damnable assassination attempt”.

Russia denounced today a Ukrainian attack with drones against the Kremlin with the purpose of assassinating the Russian president, accusations that were denied by kyivwhich considers it an excuse to justify a new escalation.

Tonight, the kyiv regime tried to hit the residence of the Russian president with drones”, indicated the Kremlin in a statement, in which it assured that two unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down, the remains of which fell in the presidential compound without causing victims or material damage.

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The Kremlin pointed out that the president, who does not usually spend the night in his facilities, but on the outskirts of the capital, “he was not hurt” and “continue working as usual”.

For his part, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyrejected these accusations and maintained that his country did not attack Putin or Moscow.

According to the president, Russia launches these types of accusations to compensate for the lack of results on the front.

Source: Elcomercio

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