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STRAIGHT. War in Ukraine: new Russian strikes on Kyiv and Odessa region


  • The Russian Wagner Group rebuffs its threat to leave Bakhmut after the Russian army “promised” to receive more ammunition and weapons.
  • Kyiv and the Odessa region were hit by Russian forces on Sunday night as the prospect of a Ukrainian counteroffensive grew ever more pressing.
  • On Saturday, the IAEA warned of the risk of a “serious nuclear accident” in Zaporozhye.
  • Tomorrow, May 9, Moscow is celebrating the victory of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany in 1945, one of the pillars of the militaristic narrative about Russian power.

Wagner rejects his threats to leave Bakhmut

The Wagner paramilitary group announced yesterday that it had received a “promise” from Moscow that it would receive more ammunition after threatening to withdraw from Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine.

Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the Wagner group. TELEGRAM/ @concordgroup_official/AFP

Russian strikes in Kyiv and Odessa region

On the night from Sunday to Monday, Kyiv was the object of airstrikes, according to the military administration of the city. Five people were injured, said Mayor Vitali Klitschko, who said medical assistance was provided on the spot. According to the Kyiv city military department, over 30 enemy suicide drones were detected and destroyed last night in the airspace of Kyiv.

According to the regional military administration, the Odessa region was also shelled overnight.

“The Kh-22 missile hit the logistics infrastructure (food storage warehouse) (…), causing a serious fire,” the same source said.


Good morning !

And welcome to this direct, dedicated to this new day of war in Ukraine.

Source: Le Parisien

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