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United States: What is expedited removal of families and who does it affect after May 11?

United States: What is expedited removal of families and who does it affect after May 11?

United States: What is expedited removal of families and who does it affect after May 11?

with the end of Title 42 this May 11 in USAthe government of the president Joe Biden will implement new policies to deal with the wave of migrants who cross the border with Mexico daily, such as the so-called Accelerated Family Expulsion Management (FERM). The announcement was made on Wednesday by the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

He Title 42 is a section of the Public Health Service Act of 1944. It was invoked in March 2020 by the Government of Donald Trumpwith the purpose of expel almost immediately and without the possibility of requesting asylum foreigners who arrived at its borders without documents. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) activated this regulation shortly after the national emergency by covid-19.

LOOK: Title 8: What are the new measures that toughen the entry of migrants to the United States through the border

It is estimated that after the end of Title 42 up to 13,000 migrants a day will show up at the US border, double the average daily arrivals.

Migrants with children and adults cross the Rio Grande in the hope of reaching US soil. (AP).

A family of migrants waits to be loaded onto a bus after crossing the border in Eagle Pass, Texas.  (EFE/EPA/Adam Davis).

A family of migrants waits to be loaded onto a bus after crossing the border in Eagle Pass, Texas. (EFE/EPA/Adam Davis).

Now, once the Title 42new and usual rules will be applied to review cases of asylum, which by law must be requested on US soil. This has caused the massive arrival of migrants at the border, they think that from now on it will be easier to stay in the United States.

However, the Biden government is already implementing new rules that restrict access to asylum for people seeking to enter the country by land.

One of these rules is Management of Expedited Deportation of Families, which is intended to track the migrant families while facing expedited removal proceedings.

Under this rule, the head of each detained family must wear a GPS ankle monitor for constant surveillance. In addition, they will be subjected to a curfew.

He curfew for these monitored families it will be in effect from 11 pm to 5 am

Migrants walk towards a bus that will take them to a processing center after illegally crossing into the United States in Yuma, Arizona, May 11, 2023. (EFE/EPA/ETIENNE LAURENT).

Migrants walk towards a bus that will take them to a processing center after illegally crossing into the United States in Yuma, Arizona, May 11, 2023. (EFE/EPA/ETIENNE LAURENT).

Starting May 11, ICE will begin locating some families in Newark, New Jersey, Baltimore, Maryland, Chicago, Illinois, and Washington DC under the new FERM program.

These families will also have the opportunity to apply for asylum. and, if they qualify, they can stay.

According to ICE, with the Management of Expedited Deportation of Families The aim is for migrants to be clear about what the process will be like until their situation is defined.

A family of Ghanaian migrants waits for Border Patrol agents to process them after crossing into the US illegally in Yuma, Arizona.  (EFE/EPA/ETIENNE LAURENT).

A family of Ghanaian migrants waits for Border Patrol agents to process them after crossing into the US illegally in Yuma, Arizona. (EFE/EPA/ETIENNE LAURENT). (ETIENNE LAURENT /)

If their procedure is rejected, these families will be expelled from the country within a maximum period of 30 days. In addition, they will be barred from entering the United States for five years.

“We are committed to enforcing immigration consequences in a safe and humane manner for those who enter the United States irregularly,” Corey Price, associate executive director of the Enforcement and Removal Operations division of the ICE.

Arrests at the US border.  (AFP).

Arrests at the US border. (AFP).

He reiterated that single migrants and those who travel with their children “and do not have a legal basis to remain in USA they will be expeditiously expelled and barred from re-entry for at least five years.”

He ICE specified that the heads of the family can benefit from the Management of Expedited Deportation of Families if they are in expedited removal proceedings, if they are from countries to which ICE maintains regular removal flights, if they are residents of a place under the jurisdiction of the ICE field office based in one of the four destination cities of the FERM.

Families who do not show up for controls and do not agree to leave the country could be picked up and held at hotels, the ICE official explained.

The US-Mexico border.  (AFP).

The US-Mexico border. (AFP).

On Wednesday, the Government of USA specified that they will be classified as Migrants who cross the border irregularly and who have not requested protection in a third country during their journey to the United States are “unfit” to request asylum. Also those who have not requested an appointment to process an asylum before entering the country.

To start your process asylummigrants must enter the CBP One mobile appwhich will allow them to make appointments with the authorities to present their cases.

Migrants who want to process their asylum must request an appointment through the CBP One mobile application,

Migrants who want to process their asylum must request an appointment through the CBP One mobile application,

The United States offers 1,000 daily appointments to request asylum through that app.

That number falls short given the number of people waiting at the border and for whom they continue to arrive on a daily basis. For this reason, the Government could increase it “depending on the capacity” of the workers of the migration service, reported the EFE agency.

Those who do not follow the aforementioned steps and decide to cross the border irregularly will be declared ineligible to seek asylum in the US, unless they have previously been denied in a third country or demonstrate that they have encountered technological or language barriers to access the application, EFE said.

Single migrants who express fear of persecution in the country to which they would be expelled will be referred for an interview with a specialized immigration officer. asylumwho will determine if his fear is credible, according to BBC Mundo.

During this process, the person will remain in the custody of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).. The same will happen if the asylum decision is being reviewed by an immigration judge.

The United States has increased the number of deportation flights to countries in the region and it has reached an agreement with Mexico for that country to receive up to 30,000 deported migrants from Venezuela, Haiti, Nicaragua and Cuba per month.

Deaths at the US-Mexico border.  (AFP).

Deaths at the US-Mexico border. (AFP).

Source: Elcomercio

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