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Bolsonaro denies the Police participation in alleged fraud with COVID-19 certificates

Bolsonaro denies the Police participation in alleged fraud with COVID-19 certificates

Bolsonaro denies the Police participation in alleged fraud with COVID-19 certificates

The former president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro denied having participated in alleged fraud with vaccine certificates anticovid; He claimed that he was unaware of the alleged scheme and reiterated that he was not immunized against the virus, when making an inquiry this Tuesday before the Federal Police in Brasilia.

The far-right leader was listened to by the authorities for nearly three hours in the midst of an investigation that seeks to clarify whether the vaccination data of the former president and that of some of his relatives and advisers were manipulated so that they could enter USA at times when the certificates of the covid-19 were required by the authorities of that country.

LOOK HERE: Brazil: Justice orders the release of Bolsonaro’s former minister investigated for attack on the presidential palace

During the statement, Bolsonaro “He reiterated that he was never vaccinated, that he was unaware of any and all initiative for the eventual falsification, insertion, or adulteration of his vaccination record as well as that of his daughter.”, he pointed out on Twitter Fabio Wajngartenwho was his press advisor in the presidency and who accompanied him in the investigation.

According to the former official, the former president answered all the questions; He stressed that he bought more than 500 million doses of vaccines and said that during his government he had respected the freedom of Brazilians to immunize or not against covid-19, as well as the autonomy of doctors.

Due to suspicions of fraud, the Federal police raided the residences of Bolsonaro and six close collaborators on May 3, four of whom remain in custody.

According to the investigations, the data would have been manipulated through illegal access to the systems of the Ministry of Health carried out in November 2021 and December 2022.

In the latter case, it would have been before the trip that Bolsonaro, still as president, made to the United States on December 30, two days before the inauguration of the current president, the progressive Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvawhose victory at the polls he doubted and to whom he refused to hand over power.

MORE INFORMATION: Saudi jewelry, false vaccination certificates and other problems that have haunted Bolsonaro since he returned to Brazil

While he was in power (2019-2022), the far-right was one of the world leaders who most denied the seriousness of the pandemic and even maintained permanent and harsh campaigns against vaccination.

This Tuesday, at the Federal Police headquarters, the ultra-rightist was also questioned about the coup attempt on January 8 in which thousands of his followers destroyed the three seats of power in an attempt to overthrow Lula’s government.

He (president) replied that he did not guide and that he did not participate in any act of insurrection or subversion against the rule of lawWajngarten noted.

Source: Elcomercio

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