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Guillermo Lasso is recovering from a successful operation carried out in the US.

Guillermo Lasso is recovering from a successful operation carried out in the US.

Guillermo Lasso is recovering from a successful operation carried out in the US.

The president of Ecuadorthe conservative William Lassounderwent successful prostate surgery this Thursday at a hospital in houston (USA), according to the Communication Secretariat of the Presidency.

After leaving the operating room, Lasso, 67, is recovering in a room at the Houston Methodist Hospital and plans to return to Ecuador next Sunday.

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The intervention was carried out one day after the Ecuadorian president presented in Quito his report to the nation on completing two years in office.

In his speech, Lasso defended his decision to decree a week before the “cross death” when the National Assembly (Parliament), with an opposition majority, was going to vote for his dismissal through a political trial of censorship in which he was accused of an alleged crime of embezzlement (embezzlement).

The Ecuadorian president resorted to that constitutional tool that allows the head of state to dissolve the Legislature and call extraordinary general elections, whose first round will be held on Sunday, August 20.

The intervention on the prostate is the latest in a series of procedures and medical check-ups performed on Lasso in recent months, and comes after he was hospitalized for almost a week in April due to an acute urinary infection.

In February of this same year, he underwent emergency surgery at a clinic Guayaquil after fracturing his fibula when he suffered a fall at his home, when he was getting ready to make some visits to a neighboring province.

In mid-2021, Lasso also underwent USA to a spinal cord operationmedium complexity” with the aim of removing a cyst that blocked the mobility of his right leg.

MORE INFORMATION: Early general elections in Ecuador will be held on August 20

Lasso suffered from a mobility limitation since 2013 due to an accident suffered in Spainwith a fracture of the tibia and fibula, after which two cysts were detected, apparently formed by poorly applied anesthesia, one of them removed during an intervention he underwent in 2018 in the US city of cleveland.

In August 2022, Lasso also traveled to Houston to undergo medical tests complementary to surgery on his right eyelid, after which melanoma was detected.

Source: Elcomercio

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