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They denounce exodus of undocumented immigrants, losses in agriculture and little labor in Florida

They denounce exodus of undocumented immigrants, losses in agriculture and little labor in Florida

They denounce exodus of undocumented immigrants, losses in agriculture and little labor in Florida

The chairperson of the Democratic Party of Florida, Nikki Frieddenounced this Friday that entire families of undocumented workers leave the state, the “crops rot” without being collected in the fields and there are a lack of employees in essential sectors because of the governor’s immigration policy Ron DeSantisRepublican primary candidate.

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fried spoke to the press in front of the monument “The Torch of Friendship” of Miamia symbol of welcome to immigrants, to explain the reasons why he believes that the immigration law SB1718, which will enter into force andthe 1st of julyit will cause a “disaster” worse than laws of the same style enacted in Alabama and Arizona.

The three engines Floridaagriculture, tourism and construction, the “backbone of the Florida economy”they will suffer in the short, medium and long term because of the SB1718 law for their dependence by the hand of undocumented worksaid.

According to friedIt is estimated that they live in Florida, a state of more than 21 million inhabitants, almost 800,000 undocumented.

60% of the workers in the Florida agriculture are in an irregular migratory situation and, therefore, are threatened by the law of DeSantiswhich condemns them to deportation, imposes heavy fines on employers who employ these undocumented workers, and even punishes their relatives who help them.

Accompanied by representatives of the Venezuelan, Nicaraguan, Cuban, Colombian and other countries communities, friedthe former Commissioner (Minister) of Agriculture of Florida He said that the effects of the SB1718 law are felt in advance and urged to act not only against these measures “extremists”, but also and especially to prevent DeSantis get to the White House as intended.

since last wednesday DeSantis He is an official candidate for the Republican primaries and has given signs long before that irregular immigration is going to be the battle horse of his campaign to reach the US Presidency

“He does not deserve to be governor of Floridamuch less reach the White Housesaid Milli Herreracommunity leader and former president of the Florida Hispanic Caucus, who highlighted the negative effects of the law on small and medium-sized businesses in the state.

“They are going to sell less and buy less”he added.

The law will mean less income for the state coffers and less resources for the health system of Florida and it can drive up the prices of basic goods, construction costs and hoteliers, the speakers said.

“It is a myth that immigrants do not pay taxes”said the Nicaraguan economist and university professor Francisco Larioswho urged to stop seeing “immigration as a problem”, even though there are politiciansdemagogues” that they make people believe it to create fear and division.

Adelys Ferrroof the organization Venezuelan-American Caucusaccused DeSantis of using a rhetoric of criticism of “dictatorial governments like the one in Venezuela” and then persecuting those who arrive in Florida fleeing precisely from them.

In this line it affected Sabina Covocommissioner (councillor) of Miami and businesswoman of Colombian origin.

Covo considered “a lack of respect for the dignity of people” who in many cases arrive in Florida escaping from persecution and authoritarianism denying them “your basic rights to have a roof, a job or a driver’s license”.

Source: Elcomercio

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