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The Armed Forces capture two drug traffickers in a northeastern Venezuelan state

The Armed Forces capture two drug traffickers in a northeastern Venezuelan state

The Armed Forces capture two drug traffickers in a northeastern Venezuelan state

The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) of Venezuela captured two people dedicated to organized crime and drug trafficking, during an operation in the state Delta Amacuroin the northeast of the country, informed this Friday the operational strategic commander of the military institution, Domingo Hernández Lárez.

The detainees, who were part of a Organized Crime Structured Group (GEDO) called “El Chamo”, they seized “twelve packages of cocaine weighing 14.10 kilos”besides others “elements of criminal interest”indicated the official through his Twitter account.

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Among the materials seized, Hernández Lárez mentioned “four revolver-type firearms, one shotgun-type firearm, one shotgun”a boat, two engines, two cell phones and six “containers made of synthetic material with a storage capacity of 50 liters” with fuel.

He Ministry of Interior Relations, Justice and Peace recently reported that the Venezuelan government seeks a formula to strengthen the fight against drug trafficking and organized gangs, through a study of citizen security indices carried out by various institutions.

From the beginning of the year to mid-March -the latest assessment to date-, the authorities seized 21,595 kilos of drugs, which represented “an increase of 114.83%” with respect to the same period of 2022, the Minister of Interior Relations, Remigio Ceballos, pointed out at the time.

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Source: Elcomercio

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