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The flight attendant who was arrested for making a bomb threat on a flight to Miami where her ex-boyfriend was

The flight attendant who was detained on Monday after an investigation determined that she was the author of the bomb threat against an Aerolíneas Argentinas plane, which was about to leave for Miami from the Ezeiza International Airport last week, was identified by the authorities like Daniela Carbone.

According to the investigators, their goal was play a trick on an ex-partner and in that maneuver caused the evacuation of 270 passengers and the loss of one million dollars to the national flag company.

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“Tell the captain that we planted three bombs in Miami. Stop messing with politics and check the plane because they will fly into a thousand pieces”, It was the message that the woman would have sent to the pilot of the flight, to a ticket sales clerk and to another employee who was on duty that day.

The call made by the defendant, from a cell phone with a distorted voice, caused not only a state of alarm among the 270 passengers and crewbut also for the company to lose more than a million dollars, between the passenger evacuation operation and what implied the rescheduling of the departure to Miami and the delays.

Carbone has 47 years old, a daughter of legal age and has worked at Aerolíneas Argentinas for 25 years. In his Instagram profile he defines himself as “on-board steward. future paramedic”. In addition, she calls herself the mother of her daughter, Mora, her dog, and Blanca, her cat.

Daniela Carbone has worked at Aerolíneas Argentinas for 25 years.

From your Facebook account is shown in photos with her daughter and a man who would have been her partner a year ago. In addition, in various publications he expresses his support for the national flag carrier.

as far as he could tell THE NATION from judicial sources, the woman was detained yesterday when she arrived from her last flight At the request of Judge Federico Villena of the Federal Court of Lomas de Zamora, who supervised the operation of the Airport Security Police (PSA) during the evacuation. In addition, it is believed that she would have had a accomplice among the passengers on the plane.

Investigators traced the call made and found a phone that would belong to the daughter of Carbone and in which the threat was made with a prepaid chip. Carbone would have used an online program to distort his voice; However, the experts discovered that it was a female voice and noted a cadence in the way of speaking, another indication when determining that she was the one who made the threat.

When she was arrested, The Airport Police seized an iPhone 13 Pro and another 12 Pro at his home. The investigators determined that they had been used and also discovered that the woman had carried out searches related to how to distort the voice and whether it was feasible to analyze an audio to determine who it belongs to, the agency reported. telam.

Sources of the case also detailed that Carbone He would have sent more messages to the pilot of the flight, warning him that he “knew which school” “his daughters” went to.

However, and as confirmed to LA NACION, the investigators’ hypothesis is that Carbone would have wanted to annoy the pilot with that maneuver, but to a cabin crew who was on the flight to Miami and with whom he had a relationship a few months ago.

Daniela Carbone after being arrested.

Daniela Carbone after being arrested.

Argentinian airlines He specified to this medium that before taking any measure they will wait for the resolution of the investigation. Thus, the woman today must testify in the court of Lomas de Zamora for the crimes of “public intimidation and disruption of public services (art. 211 and 194 of the Penal Code, respectively)”.

The company also explained that “they are serious offenses” and that if the accusation and the crime are proven, will punish the person investigated proportional to the seriousness of the fact.

Source: Elcomercio

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