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Trump Says He Will End Automatic Citizenship For Undocumented Children

The former president of USA donald trump (2017-2021) announced this Tuesday that if he wins the 2024 electionon his first day in the White House, will issue an executive order to end automatic citizenship for the children of undocumented immigrants and the “birth tourists”.

As part of my plan to secure the border, on the first day of my new term, I will sign an executive order making it clear to federal agencies that, under the proper interpretation of the law, future children of illegal immigrants will not automatically receive U.S. citizenship”, he said in a video recorded from his home in Palm Bach (Florida).

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Trump would direct federal agencies to require that at least one parent be a US citizen or lawful permanent resident in order for their US-born children to automatically become US citizens.

The children of those who do not meet that requirement will not only not be granted automatic citizenship, but may not be given it “passport numbers Social Security or be eligible for certain taxpayer-funded welfare benefits”.

With this measure, Trump, one of the six candidates for now to participate in the primaries to choose the Republican candidate in the 2024 presidential electionit is proposed to end “a major incentive for illegal immigration”.

It will discourage more immigrants from coming and encourage many of the foreigners who Joe Biden (US President) has let them into our country illegally so they can return to their home countries“, he pointed.

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A statement from the group Agenda47 of Trump announced that the executive order that he will sign in 2025 during his first day in office White House if voters give him a second term in 2024, he is also targeting the “birth tourists”.

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Tens of thousands of foreign citizens fraudulently enter the US each year during the last weeks of their pregnancies for the sole purpose of obtaining US citizenship for their children.”, the statement says.

The decree that Trump will issue on his first day in the White House if he is victorious at the polls in 2024, is part of a broader strategy to fully secure the US border. Mexicosays Agenda47.

The campaign group then lists the “hundreds of executive actions, proclamations, and presidential memoranda on border security and immigration” that Trump implemented while in the White House.

In addition to Trump, they have signed up to compete for the Republican nomination for Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis; the former US ambassador to the UN nikki haley; the former governor of Arkansas Asa Hutchinson; businessman Vivek Ramaswamy and the African American senator Tim Scott.

They come by millions and millions and millions. They come from mental institutions, they come from jails, inmates, some of the toughest, meanest people you’ve ever seen.”Trump says about immigrants in his new campaign video.

The former president indicates that the current US policy of granting citizenship to those born in its territory is based on “into a historical myth and a deliberate misinterpretation of the law by advocates of open borders”.

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Trump and DeSantis are the most supported Republican candidates in the polls, although the former has a 30-point lead over the latter.

DeSantis, who has made irregular immigration the battle horse of his campaign, recently approved one of the toughest laws against the undocumented, which has aroused numerous protests before its entry into force on July 1.

Source: Elcomercio

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