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The governor of North Dakota presents his candidacy for the 2024 presidential elections in the United States

the governor of North DakotaRepublican Doug Burgum ran for his party’s nomination for the 2024 presidential election on Wednesday.

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burgum officially launched his candidacy at an event in Fargoin that state, shortly after presenting the documents before the Federal Election Commission.

In an opinion piece, published in the last few hours in The Wall Street Journal, Burgum anticipated that the economy will be his top priority.

“The economy must be our top priority. We must get inflation under control, cut taxes, lower gas prices and reduce the cost of living”indicated burgum in the text.

He also advocated forrebuild” the Armed forces and restore the US position of strength to win “the Cold War” with China.

At his rally this Wednesday, burgum he talked about the economy and pointed out that the world is changing rapidly. “How we respond will define our future”warning.

“Technology is changing every job, every company, every industry… And this change will be faster than ever. We need new leadership for a changing economy, we need a leader who understands the real work Americans do every day.”he pointed.

Relatively unknown nationally, burgum has implemented conservative policies in his state: he recently signed legislation banning abortion after the sixth week of pregnancy, with no exceptions for rape and incestand preventing women and transgender girls participate in sports competitions.

Still, he vetoed a law that would have prevented teachers from calling students trans students with the pronouns you want.

On the other hand, he set as a goal for his state that it be “carbon neutral” around 2030.

In the past, Burgum worked as a consultant in McKinsey & Companyand later founded Great Plains Softwarea technology company that was later acquired by Microsoft for $1.1 billion and became Senior Vice President of Microsoft Business Solutions Groupa company that emerged from the merger.

His story could be an example of the American dream, since when he studied at the dakota university, burgum He started a chimney-cleaning service in Fargo, with a friend’s van, and caught the attention of the local press, which published stories about the young man, recalls The New York Times on Wednesday.

Burgum attached these newspaper clippings to his applications to enter the Stanford Business School.

During his speech this Wednesday, the governor mentioned that past as entrepreneur of which he is proud.

burgum He is the second governor to run for the Republican nomination after that of Florida, Ron DeSantisand joins a large group of conservatives who have taken a step forward.

This Wednesday the former vice president will also officially launch his campaign in Iowa with a rally Mike Pence (2017-2021).

They have also announced that they are presenting the former president donald trump (20217-2021); the former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley; former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson; the former governor of New Jersey Chris Christie and the senator for South Carolina Tim Scott.

Along with them, businessmen have presented their candidacy Vivek RamaswamyRyan Binkley and Perry Johnsonin addition to the announcer Larry Elder.

Source: Elcomercio

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