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The revelation about the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline that complicates Joe Biden and the CIA

The revelation about the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline that complicates Joe Biden and the CIA

The revelation about the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline that complicates Joe Biden and the CIA

A European spy agency informed the CIA that a Ukrainian special operations team was plotting to blow up the gas pipeline. North Stream three months before several explosions damaged that underwater system last year, he revealed Tuesday The Washington Post.

The Washington DC-based outlet disclosed US intelligence allegedly leaked earlier this year by a low-level computer technician in the US Air National Guard, who managed to gain access to highly classified and secret material.

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The documents indicated that a European intelligence agency The unidentified man told the US spy agency – and also the Biden administration – in June 2022, four months after Russia invaded Ukraine, that Ukrainian military divers planned to attack the pipeline network.

The Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, built to send natural gas from Russia to Germany, they were rocked by underwater explosions that disabled them and deprived Russia of potential billions of dollars in profits.

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The apparent sabotage sparked an emergency across the region, cutting off a crucial power supply to Europe just as the war had skyrocketed the price of oil. Several countries were accused, including Russia, the United States and Ukraine, but all denied responsibility.

Citing unnamed officials, the newspaper said that after the CIA found out about the plot of the attacks notified its allies, including Germany.

According to the washington post, the original information from the European services made it clear that this was not an isolated operation and that it was supervised by the Ukrainian military chief, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, without the knowledge of the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky.

The release of gas emanating from a leak in the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline, in the Swedish economic zone in the Baltic Sea. (Photo by Handout / SWEDISH COAST GUARD / AFP) (HANDOUT /)

The newspaper’s report is based on data provided by German researchers, according to which a a six-person team with fake passports boarded a sailing ship in the German port of Rostock in September to carry out the operation. The vessel was leased by what appears to be a front company.

The metadata of the emails used to rent the ship links them to Ukraine and the president of the front company also resides in kyiv.

However, Danish media recently reported that a Russian navy ship specialized in underwater operations he was photographed near the sabotage site just before the action took place.

With information from AFP

Source: Elcomercio

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