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Emmanuel Macron visits victims of knife attack on children in France

The French President, Emmanuel Macronvisited this Friday the victims of the knife attack that left six people injured the day before, including four children, in Annecy (east), as uncertainty hovers over the motivations of the attacker, a Syrian refugee.

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The attack occurred on the shores of the tourist lake of Annecyin the french alpsshocked France and this Friday many citizens deposited flowers in the children’s play area, where Abdalmasih H.31, stabbed children in their strollers the day before.

Two of the four children, between 22 and 36 months old, injured remain in critical condition, said the government spokesman, Olivier Veranwho called for prudence and to wait for the investigation, when several right-wing and far-right politicians point to the “mass immigration”.

In this context of emotion, the French president and his wife Brigitte Macron visited in a hospital Grenoble (east) three of the four minors injured and hospitalized there and their families, an AFP journalist confirmed.

the four children “They have been able to undergo surgery and are under permanent medical surveillance,” For her part, the Prime Minister explained Elisabeth Bornewho the day before met in Annecy with the judicial and police officers who participated in the arrest of the attacker.

Investigators are now seeking to determine what prompted Abdalmasih H.a Syrian citizen who obtained asylum in Sweden in 2013 and that would have reached France at the end of 2022, stabbed six people Thursday morning near the lake of Annecy.

The ongoing investigation will allow the motive to be determined.”, declared on Thursday the public prosecutor of Annecy, Line Bonnet-Mathiswhich for the moment ruled out an act with terrorist motivation and that the aggressor acted under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

The Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmanin, indicated that this Friday he should undergo a psychiatric examination. According to the local chain of France bluethe man had not yet been questioned, since he is “agitated” and even “rolls on the ground” from the police station

his ex-wife in Sweden, with whom he had a three-year-old daughter, told AFP that he left because he “could not obtain Swedish nationality.” In November 2022, he applied for asylum in France and was rejected days before the attack, a “disturbing coincidence,” according to Darmanin.

The attacker, who carried a cross and shouted “in the name of Jesus Christ” during the assault, he suffered from a “deep depression”according to his mother, who lives in USA. The rejection of nationality, a priori because he was in the Syrian army, “maybe it drove him crazy”he added.

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“difficult night”

The precariousness of exile “increases psychological vulnerability”, Andrea Tortelli, a psychiatrist specializing in immigrant mental healthwarning against “confuse“migration and violent acts, because this is something”rare”.

“Very often they have suffered violence or lived violent situations as conflicts”, “have experienced forced immigration with its dangers” before “arriving in Europe where they face an immigration policy that puts them in psychological difficulties”he explained.

Waiting for the answers, dozens of citizens of AnnecyIn tears, they went to place white flowers, stuffed animals, candles or messages of support in a small makeshift memorial at the scene of the attack, where the children returned to play hours after the drama.

Leo Ganasalia 21-year-old commercial, went with his little brother to deposit a huge bouquet of flowers after a “difficult night”. “We are not ready” for events like this, the young man confessed emotionally, in this quiet city of about 140,000 inhabitants.

“I see myself here as a child, playing in this park, and seeing him in mourning today is very very complicatedhe added. “This park is my park, our park, the most beautiful of Annecysaid a woman in her 60s, who did not want to say her name, underlining the “emotion” palpable in the environment.

Source: Elcomercio

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