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Russia strengthens security in several regions in the face of Wagner’s rebellion

The mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, announced on Saturday that “anti-terrorist measures” were adopted in the capital after the head of the paramilitary group Wagner rebelled against the Russian military command.

Meanwhile, authorities from the regions of Rostov and Lipetsk they also announced additional security measures.

MORE INFORMATION | Prigozhin announces that the Wagner group has crossed the Russian border and is entering the Rostov region

Videos circulating on the internet Russia They show armed men surrounding administrative buildings in the southern city of Rostov, with tanks mobilized in the center.

The head of the group Wagner, Yevgeny Prigozhinpreviously said that his troops had entered through the Rostov region.

“Regarding the information coming from Moscow, anti-terrorist measures aimed at strengthening security are being taken”declared the Moscow mayor Sobianin on social networks.

For his part, the governor of Lipetsk, Igor Artamonov, said he was meeting with members of the FSB security service, which opened an investigation into calls for an “armed rebellion.”

Prigozhin accused on Friday Moscow to attack his forces with missiles and vowed to respond.

He urged the Russians to join his forces to punish the military command, in the boldest challenge against the president Vladimir Putin since the start of the offensive Ukraine last year.

CHECK HERE | Wagner Group Chief Accuses Moscow of Bombing His Bases

Source: Elcomercio

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