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STRAIGHT. War in Ukraine: Prigozhin claims to have infiltrated Russia and controlled military installations in Rostov


  • Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the Russian paramilitary group Wagner, which is fighting against Ukraine, yesterday accused the Russian army of bombing his own group’s military camps.
  • In several audio messages, Prigozhin promises to “respond” to these attacks, urging them not to oppose the “resistance” of his troops. “This is not a military coup, but a march for justice,” he said.
  • The Russian authorities announced that a criminal case had been opened against Wagner’s boss for “inciting to sedition.”
  • Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said this morning that “anti-terrorist measures” are being carried out in the city “in order to strengthen security measures.”

Attacks on several regions of Ukraine

On Saturday evening, Russia launched another missile attack on Ukraine, causing damage and casualties, according to Ukrainian authorities. In Dnipro, “several houses were completely destroyed. After the explosion, a huge crater formed. There are people injured”.

In Kyiv, rocket fragments caused destruction and a fire in a 24-story building. A gas pipe was destroyed in Kharkov, as a result of which a fire broke out, no one was injured.


In the Rostov region, security measures have been strengthened, residents have been urged not to go out

“Law enforcement agencies are taking all necessary measures to ensure the safety of residents of the (Rostov) region. I ask everyone to remain calm and not to leave home unnecessarily,” Governor Vasily Golubev wrote on Telegram, as the Wagner group said it had taken control of the city.


Anti-terrorist measures continue in Moscow

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Saturday morning that “anti-terror measures” were underway in the city after the Wagner group announced the start of an uprising against Russian military headquarters.

“In connection with the information received (by us), anti-terrorist measures are being carried out in Moscow in order to strengthen security measures,” he wrote in Telegram messengers.


Wagner says to occupy the Russian city of Rostov

Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed that on Saturday morning he was at the headquarters of the Russian army in the city of Rostov, a key center of the Russian offensive in Ukraine, and took control of military installations, including an airfield.

“Military installations in Rostov are under control, including the airfield,” he said in a video posted on Telegram as he was followed by uniformed men.


The leader of Wagner raised an armed rebellion in Russia

The leader of the Wagner paramilitary group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, said on Saturday that he entered Russia with his troops in order to overthrow the military command. He rebelled after he accused the Russian regular army of bombing his people.

“We are all ready to die, all 25,000. And after that there will be another 25,000. Because we are dying for the fatherland, we are dying for the Russian people, who must be freed from those who bomb civilians,” he hammered. after.


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Source: Le Parisien

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