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He traveled to see the remains of the Titanic when he was 13 years old and told of the terror he felt while underwater

The expedition that allows to see the remains of the titanic It has become an attraction for various people who have the resources to pay for it, and thus explore the ocean liner that sank in 1912 and caused the death of 1,517 people.

Among the people who came to be at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean it’s found Sebastian Harris and his father, who managed to see up close the titanic and they said that the experience became “dangerous” being almost 3,900 meters below the surface.

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Harris he was 13 years old in 2005, when he was encouraged by his father to travel to the depths of the sea and observe closely the ship that sank on April 14, 1912. They were aboard a Russian submersible called Mir II.

Sebastian He is the son of the leader of an expedition to the titanic, whose name is G. Michael Harris. Thus, the teenager, his father and a pilot entered the depths of the second largest ocean in the world without knowing that the expedition was going to be “inherently dangerous”, as defined by the young man in conversation with The Sun media.

lost consciousness

The experience of being close to the boat generated serious physical problems in Sebastianwho shared details of what happened on that occasion.

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“During our dive, we had a small safety problem. All of a sudden our oxygen levels started to drop and I passed out while we were diving.”said the man, 31 years old today.

Despite the difficulties he had in the middle of the journey, he affirms that both his father and the pilot did not lose consciousness. This allowed them to proceed with the mission during a journey that lasted more than 12 hours.

“Luckily, my father and our pilot didn’t experience the same problem; otherwise it could have been fatal and luckily we had oxygen gauges inside the sub, which were showing lower than normal oxygen levels. So we got it going and then I came back (conscious).”he continued.

“These kinds of small issues can and do happen regularly, which is why the certification and safety of these vehicles is so important.”he added.

“I was blissfully ignorant up to a point”Harris reflected on the tragedy that ended the life of the 5 crew members of the Titanic submersible, a ship that lost contact with the outside world on Sunday June 18 when it was going to explore the Titanic.

In parallel to Sebastian’s story, it was confirmed that the Titan of OceanGate did not have the necessary certification before starting your expedition. Its operation was still experimental, according to the words of the company’s CEO, Stockton Rush, who also died.

Source: Elcomercio

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