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The death of a young man at the hands of the police erupts violence on the outskirts of Paris

The death of a 17-year-old teenager shot on Tuesday by a police officer after escaping from a checkpoint caused riots to break out at night in Nanterreon the western outskirts of Paris.

The death occurred on Tuesday morning. At first, police sources assured that the vehicle driven by the teenager collided with two agents on a motorcycle.

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But a video that circulated on social networks and was verified by AFP showed that one of the agents held the driver at gunpoint and fired at point-blank range when he accelerated.

In the recording you hear “you will receive a bullet in the head”, although it is not clear who utters these words.

Policemen on the street after a demonstration in Nanterre, west of Paris, on June 27, 2023, after a teenager was killed by French police. (Photo by Zakaria ABDELKAFI / AFP) (ZAKARIA ABDELKAFI /)

The young man’s escape ended a few dozen meters away, with the car crashed into a post. The victim, Naël M.died shortly after after being hit in the thorax.

The death caused shock and anger in Nanterre, his city. At the beginning of the night, riots broke out between its inhabitants and the forces of order, AFP journalists verified.

Fifteen people were arrested, according to a balance of the police prefecture at 1:00 am (23:00 GMT).

Protesters launched fireworks at the police prefecture, set fires along a railway line and burned cars and rubbish bins.

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They also erected barricades in front of law enforcement, who repeatedly used tear gas to try to disperse them.

The police prefecture assured shortly before midnight that the situation was “contained”, but then the tension continued and spread to other areas on the northern outskirts of Paris.

After the death, the authorities opened an investigation against the young man, for contempt and attempted voluntary homicide against a person with public authority, and another against the police officer for voluntary homicide by a person in charge of public authority.

The 38-year-old police officer suspected of having fired the fatal shot is in preventive detention.

The attorney for the victim’s family, Yassine BouzrouHe said that he will present two lawsuits in the next few days, one for the homicide and the other for the false account of the events that, according to him, the police gave.

In the National Assemblythe Minister of the Interior, Gerald DarmaninI speak of “extremely shocking images”.


The death penalty no longer exists France. No policeman has the right to kill except for legitimate defense”, said the leader of the radical left, Jean Luc Melenchon.

In 2022, France recorded 13 deaths after contempt of roadblocks, a record.

Source: Elcomercio

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