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France: Riots over young man shot by police continue for third night | VIDEOS AND PHOTOS

Violence broke out on Thursday for the third night in a row in various parts of France for the death of a young man shot by a police officer for whom the justice decreed preventive detention.

Despite the deployment of 40,000 agents, different parts of the country registered new disturbances on Thursday night and the police had already arrested 176 people before midnight, according to a balance of the environment of the Minister of the Interior.

Attendees hold a banner reading “Justice for Nahel”, during a commemoration march for a teenager shot dead by a police officer, in the Pablo Picasso area of ​​Nanterre, on June 29, 2023. (Photo by Bertrand GUAY/ AFP) (BERTRAND GUAY /)

LOOK HERE: Who was Nahel M, the 17-year-old whose death by police shot sparked a wave of protests in France

Violence erupted Tuesday on the outskirts of Paris and spread to other parts of France after the death of Nahel17 years old, for a point-blank shot by an agent at a road control that was recorded on video.

In an internal report, the security forces anticipated “a generalization” of violence in the coming nights, with “actions directed at law enforcement and symbols of the state”, said a police source.

I don’t blame the police, I blame one person: the one who took my son’s life”, Mounia, Nahel’s mother, told the France 5 channel in her first interview since the events.

According to her, the 38-year-old agent, in pretrial detention accused of voluntary manslaughter, “he saw an Arab face, a little boy, and he wanted to take his life”.

An attendee waves a sparkler as he stands on a street sign during a commemoration march for Nahel, a teenage driver shot dead by a police officer, in Nanterre, on June 29, 2023. (Photo by Alain JOCARD / AFP)

An attendee waves a sparkler as he stands on a street sign during a commemoration march for Nahel, a teenage driver shot dead by a police officer, in Nanterre, on June 29, 2023. (Photo by Alain JOCARD / AFP) (ALAIN JOCARD /)

During the day, mounia led a protest march in his city Nanterrewest of Paris, which ended with clashes with the police, burned street furniture and tear gas.

The night before, police stations, city halls, schools and cars were set on fire in several cities, with a balance of 180 detainees and 170 members of the security forces injured.

Mounia, the mother of Nahel, a teenager shot to death by a police officer, waves a sparkler as she stands on top of a truck during a march in commemoration of her son, in Nanterre, on June 29, 2023. (Photo by Alain JOCARD / AFP)

Mounia, the mother of Nahel, a teenager shot to death by a police officer, waves a sparkler as she stands on top of a truck during a march in commemoration of her son, in Nanterre, on June 29, 2023. (Photo by Alain JOCARD / AFP) (ALAIN JOCARD /)

President Emmanuel Macron criticized some scenes of violence “unjustifiable” against “the institutions and the Republic”, and its prime minister, Elisabeth BorneI call “avoid escalation“, While the “justice does its job”.

The government deployed 40,000 police and gendarmes on Thursday night and the cities of clamartin the Paris region, and compiegneabout 70 kilometers north of the capital, decreed a night curfew until Monday.

Buses and trams will also not circulate in the Paris region after 9:00 p.m., the authorities announced, forcing thousands of users to quickly return to their homes.

MORE INFORMATION: France: Nanterre Prosecutor’s Office requests prison for police officer who shot dead a minor under 17 years of age

The agent apologizes

France is experiencing a new wave of protests this year, following those linked to an unpopular pension reform between January and May.

The trigger for the latter was the death of Nahel when he refused to obey the orders of two officers during a traffic control in Nanterre.

A video posted on social media, verified by AFP, shows an officer holding the driver at gunpoint and shooting him at point-blank range as he drives away.

The escape of the young man, booked by the police for similar events and who was not yet old enough to drive, ended a few tens of meters away, when the car crashed into a pole. Shortly after, he died from a shot to the chest.

A photograph shows burning cars in the street at the end of a commemoration march for a teenage driver shot dead by a police officer, in the Paris suburb of Nanterre, on June 29, 2023. (Photo by Alain JOCARD / AFP)

A photograph shows cars burning in the street at the end of a commemoration march for a teenage driver shot dead by a police officer, in the Paris suburb of Nanterre, on June 29, 2023. (Photo by Alain JOCARD / AFP) (ALAIN JOCARD/)

The justice decreed this Thursday preventive detention for voluntary manslaughter for the policeman suspected of having shot, said the prosecutor’s office, which considered that the use of his weapon was not legally justified.

His lawyer assured that the agent apologized to the family and that he was “extremely shocked” due to the violence of the video broadcast of the events.

The first words he uttered were to apologize and the last words he uttered were to apologize to the family” of the victim, stated Laurent-Franck Liénard on BFMTV.

He’s broken, he doesn’t get up in the morning to kill people. did not want to kill”, he added.

“The same people are always attacked”

The drama sparked outrage, from President Macron to footballer kylian mbappeespecially when police violence is a recurring theme in France, where 13 people died in situations similar to that of Nahel in 2022.

Protesters clash with police during a march commemorating a teenage driver shot to death by a police officer, in the Paris suburb of Nanterre, on June 29, 2023. (Photo by Alain JOCARD / AFP)

Protesters clash with police during a march commemorating a teenage driver shot dead by a police officer, in the Paris suburb of Nanterre, on June 29, 2023. (Photo by Alain JOCARD / AFP) (ALAIN JOCARD /)

The same ones are always attacked, the blacks and the Arabs, the poor neighborhoods. They kill a 17-year-old boy like that, for no reason. This death makes us hate”, he explained to AFP Ayoub16 years old, dressed in black, during the march in Nanterre.

ALSO SEE: Police murder a teenager in France: what is known about this death that has generated a wave of protests and riots

The riots that broke out in 2005 in the suburbs of large cities are planned in the collective memory of the French, after two teenagers were electrocuted while fleeing from the police in Clichy-sous-Boisnortheast of the capital.

The government of the then conservative president Jacques Chirac decreed a state of emergency, a measure that the right and the extreme right are also requesting at this time, although the authorities are not contemplating it for now.

The executive faces a delicate situation, after his criticism the day before caused discomfort among the police unions, and seeks to combine firmness in the face of the riots with appeasement to prevent tension from escalating.

Source: Elcomercio

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