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President Macron on protests in the country: “I ask parents for responsibility so that their children stay at home”

The president of France, Emmanuel Macronappealed today to the “responsibility” of parents so that their children do not participate in the riots unleashed as a result of the death of a minor named Nahel at the hands of the police in Nanterre, which have been intensifying in the country during the last three nights.

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“I ask parents for responsibility so that their children stay at home,” Macron stressed at the end of a meeting of the inter-ministerial crisis cell convened today, after a night in which there were 875 arrests and almost 300 police officers injured, none seriously. .

Macron influenced this message in view of the fact that a third of the detainees are minors and, in the same sense, his Minister of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti, warned that the parents have criminal responsibility -up to two years of prison and a fine of 30,000 euros – if they do not exercise their authority.

“We found young people between the ages of 12, 13 and 18. The president has already said it, it is not the State but the parents who raise the children”, said the minister.

YOU MAY BE INTERESTED | Who was Nahel M, the 17-year-old whose death by police shot sparked a wave of protests in France

He French executive He has also insisted on the responsibility of social networks in the organization of the riots.

In this sense, the French Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, today called a meeting of representatives of various social platforms, such as Twitter, Snapchat and TikTok.

The Minister of Justice also asked prosecutors in a circular to demand that the operators of social networks collaborate to reveal the identity of minors who organize to commit acts of vandalism or who boast of burning street furniture. cars or public buildings.

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“They cannot take refuge in their phones so as not to be persecuted,” he warned.


Facing tonight, the police device will be reinforced again, which will include the deployment of armored vehicles from the Gendarmerie, although Macron has ruled out decreeing a state of emergency.

In an interview with the TF1 channel, Darmanin explained that there will be a total of 45,000 agents on the streets, 5,000 more than the previous night (when it had already doubled compared to the previous day).

The Government wants to avoid at all costs a repetition of the acts of vandalism that went around the world at the end of 2005, when a wave of violence broke out after two teenagers fleeing from the police were electrocuted on the Parisian outskirts.

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The restriction on the night circulation of buses and trams – which will not be able to operate from 9:00 p.m. (7:00 p.m. GMT) until the following morning – has also been extended throughout the country, and the sale of mortars for launching fires has been temporarily prohibited artificial, gasoline drums, acids and other flammable and chemical products.

Another measure has been the cancellation of major cultural and festive events, such as the mega-concerts by French-speaking singer Mylène Farmer scheduled at the Stade de France tonight and tomorrow, as well as the FNAC Live Paris festival.

Likewise, the traditional summer festivals of French schools (Kermesses) have been postponed or canceled in the populous region of Paris and, in Marseille, the authorities have prohibited any type of protest demonstration in the center of the city.

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In this context, the main hotel and restaurant employers’ union (UMIH) has warned in a statement that a wave of cancellations has been detected in hotel reservations in reaction to the altercations.


In this volatile context, the UN office for Human Rights, today called on France to seriously address “the deep problems of racism and discrimination of its law enforcement agencies.”

The government’s response was a resounding rejection of the accusations and stressed that “there is no possible doubt” about the commitment of its security forces in the fight against racism and all forms of discrimination.

From the first moment, the Executive condemned the Nahe’s deathl, but he has also asked for calm while justice works.

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The victim was a 17-year-old young man of Arab descent who was fatally shot by a policeman on the 27th when he tried to flee from a police checkpoint in Nanterreon the outskirts of Paris.

The images of the incident, recorded by witnesses, sparked strong outrage in the country, especially in the popular neighborhoods of the big cities and the metropolitan belt of Paris.

The agent is provisionally imprisoned and, according to his lawyers, has apologized and assured that he did not intend to kill, although he defends that his actions were justified.

Nahel will be buried tomorrow, Saturday, as confirmed today by the mayor of Nanterre, Patrick Jarry, in statements to the press

Source: Elcomercio

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