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Putin thanks the SCO countries for their support in the face of the Wagner Group rebellion

The president of Russia, Vladimir Putintoday thanked the support of the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (OCS) before the aborted rebellion that the mercenaries of the wagner group.

I take this opportunity to thank my colleagues from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization support for the actions of the Russian authorities in defense of the constitutional order, life and security of citizens”, Putin said when speaking at a telematics summit of the OCS.

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The president highlighted before his counterparts from Russia, Chinathe India, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and uzbekistanwhich highly values ​​this support and that Russia intends to continue deepening its ties with the SCO, which -he stressed- “are getting stronger and more varied”.

The boss of the kremlin He reiterated that a hybrid war is being waged against Russia, but he assured that his country successfully faces pressure from abroad.

Now, in fact, a hybrid war is being waged against us, anti-Russian sanctions are being used, illegitimate and unprecedented in magnitude.“, he pointed.

He assured that Russiacounteracts and will counteract external pressure, sanctions and provocations”.

He denounced that for years, along the Russian borders, foreign forces have been carrying out a project to convert Ukraine in a “Hostile state, in an anti-Russia”.

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For eight years they crammed it with weapons, encouraged aggression against the civilian population of the Donbas and stimulated the establishment of a neo nazi ideology. And all this in order to weaken the security of Russia, contain the development of our country”, stressed the Russian president.

On the other hand, he welcomed the incorporation of Iran as a full member of the CSO at this summit and congratulated the Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi.

In less than two years, the Iranian colleagues completed all the necessary procedures and now our common task is to help the colleagues to join the work that the SCO is carrying out in different fields.Putin said.

Source: Elcomercio

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