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Three dead in a missile attack in the Ukrainian city of Lviv

A missile attack that hit a residential building on Thursday killed three people in Lvivindicated the mayor of this western city of Ukrainevery far from the front.

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“Three dead already”, declared Andriy Sandovyi in a message on Telegram, where he had also reported “eight wounded” and “numerous apartments” damaged.

The mayor pointed out that the emergency services were mobilized and that “There could be more people under the rubble.”

“A person in serious condition was evacuated by ambulance”I had said before Sandovyi.

It’s about a “direct shot at a residential property” carried out by Russian forces, said the head of the regional administration Maxim Kozitsky in the same social network.

In images shared by the governor, a heavily damaged building is seen, which has lost part of the highest floors and has broken windows.

Hundreds of kilometers from the front, Lviv and its border region with Poland have already been targeted in the past since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

On the night of June 19-20, a “critical infrastructure” of Lviv was raided by drones, Kositski said.

In March, five people were killed in an attack on a residential neighborhood in Velyka Vilshanytsya in this region.

Source: Elcomercio

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