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European Union representative criticizes Israeli raid on Jenin

European Union representative criticizes Israeli raid on Jenin

European Union representative criticizes Israeli raid on Jenin

A representative of the European Union (EU) criticized this Saturday Israel for his bloody raid on Jeninin the north of west bank occupied, an operation that, according to him, calls into question the “proportionality” of the use of force.

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“We are concerned about the deployment of weapons and weapon systems that call into question the proportionality of the [uso de la fuerza por] the army during the operationstated in Jenin Sven Kuehn von Burgsdorffrepresentative of the EU for the Palestinian Territories.

The representative accompanied a delegation of officials from United Nations and diplomats from 25 countries in that town, where the israeli army conducted a 48-hour raid this week that caused the death of 12 Palestinians and an Israeli soldier.

His statements echo those of the Secretary General of the UN, Anthony Guterreswho claimed on Thursday that the Israeli military had used excessive force during the operation, the largest Israel has carried out in Palestinian territory in years.

This cycle of violence must stop, it cannot last. If there is no political solution to the conflictwe will still be here in a week, in a month, in a year, nothing has changed”, said the European diplomat.

The Israeli army deployed hundreds of soldiers, drones and bulldozers both in the city and in the refugee camp it houses, a stronghold of Palestinian armed groups.

At least 100 Palestinians were injured in the operation, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

Representatives of United Nations They made an appeal on Saturday to raise funds to help rebuild the refugee camp, which suffered severe damage.

Some 18,000 people they live in that place of barely 0.43 km2.

He Israeli-Palestinian conflict has experienced an increase in tensions since the beginning of the year and after the inauguration, at the end of December, of one of the most right-wing governments in the history of Israel, headed by the prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In the north of west bankoccupied by Israel since 1967, there has recently been a wave of attacks against Israelis and attacks on Palestinians by Israeli settlers.

Source: Elcomercio

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