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The Supreme Court of El Salvador should not admit Nayib Bukele’s candidacy, says NGO

He Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) of The Savior should not admit the application of Nayib Bukele for a second consecutive term in the Presidency for violating the Constitution, according to what the humanitarian organization said on Monday cristosal.

He Supreme Electoral Tribunal as the highest authority in electoral matters is the call to avoid this transgression by not admitting this candidacy”, he said in a statement.

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On Sunday night, the official party New ideas (NI) made official that Bukele will be its presidential candidate in the 2024 election after holding his primaries, in which he was the only one to register for the Presidency.

The eventual re-election of the president represents a serious impact on the Democratic Rule of Lawsince it implies a violation of ‘stony’ constitutional norms that cannot be modified even by constitutional reforms”, he warned cristosal.

He added that the president ran “ignoring” constitutional prohibitions and “justifying itself in a resolution imposed Constitutional Chamber in a process of loss of citizenship that does not have binding effects”.

The Constitution is so clear regarding this prohibition that it punishes with the loss of citizenship those who promote immediate re-election – the maximum sanction that a citizen can have – and empowers the legislative Assembly to ignore the president when he remains in power at the end of his term”, Cristosal pointed out.

MORE INFORMATION: Why Nayib Bukele can run for re-election if the Constitution of El Salvador prohibits it

He stressed that there are six articles of the Constitution that prohibit immediate re-election.

Bukele announced his intention to be re-elected in September 2022, one year after a change of criteria by the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justicewhose magistrates were chosen in an irregular process and who were appointed by USA of being “loyal” to the Executive of Bukele.

This decision allows for immediate presidential re-election and is clearly contrary to the Salvadoran Constitution, which establishes that immediate re-election is not allowed.”, said in 2021 the then US chargé d’affaires in The Savior, jean manes.

Source: Elcomercio

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