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European Union and Celac culminate a “historic” summit that serves to promote their relationship

European Union and Celac culminate a “historic” summit that serves to promote their relationship

European Union and Celac culminate a “historic” summit that serves to promote their relationship

The leaders of the European Union and of Latin America and the Caribbean They culminated this Tuesday a summit “historical” and “successful” in which they promised to relaunch the political and economic relationship between the two blocks, after eight years without meetings at the highest level.

The president of the European Council, Charles-Michelpointed out that the meeting has been a “political success” and that the sixty countries were “absolutely convinced (…) that we do not have to wait eight years again to meet”.

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The meeting has beenlike a new beginningsaid the president of the European Comission, Ursula von der Leyen.

The “pro tempore” president of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac), Ralph Gonsalveshighlighted that, as a consequence of the agreement reached during this summit “historical”, the relationship between both blocks is “stronger today than yesterday or the day before yesterday”.

of the agreement was unmarked Nicaraguaally of Russiafor not accepting the paragraph in which the EU and the celac they showed their “deep concern about the ongoing war against Ukraine”.


The European Commission took advantage of the appointment to transfer to Latin America and the Caribbean that the institutions and Member States of the EU will invest 45,000 million euros in the region until 2027 through its program global gatewayin areas such as raw materials, technological infrastructures, clean energy or health.

The EU assured its transatlantic partners that these investments will focus on developing local value chains and may be accompanied by training or cutting-edge technology, while ensuring that, unlike other foreign investors, it does not seek to focus only on extracting of raw materials but in the development of processing capacities in the American region.

This point is especially sensitive and important for the Latin American and Caribbean countries, which withdrew several times during the meeting and in parallel meetings their refusal to be a mere region of extraction or a quarry of natural resources for the Europeans.


The leaders also took note of the “effortsWhat are the EU doing and mercosur (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay) to ratify the trade agreement they signed in 2019.

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In Brusselson the margins of the summit, met yesterday the European Commissioner for Trade, Valdis Dombrovskisand the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Mauro Vieira; Argentina, santiago cafiero; Paraguayan, Julio Arriolaand Uruguay, Francisco Bustilloin which they showed their “determination” to resolve all differences that prevent the ratification of the pact.

On the European side, the eurochamber, Austria, France either Ireland They ask Latin American partners for greater environmental protection, although France and Ireland also fear the consequences that importing meat may have for their farmers.

We are not prepared today for a signature, that is what we have all confirmed. Negotiators must keep working”, said the French president, Emmanuel Macronwhich on the other hand, remarked that there is a relationship of mutual “respect” between both blocks.

In addition, the leaders welcomed the work that the EU, Mexico and Chili are carrying out to complete the modernization of their trade agreements.


The EU and Celac recognized and regretted “deeply” the suffering “incalculable” inflicted on millions of men, women and children as a result of the transatlantic slave trade.

They also showed theirfull support” to the principles established in the “Durban Declaration and Program of Action”, the United Nations action plan that proposes concrete measures to combat the racismthe racial discriminationthe xenophobia and the related forms of intoleranceWorldwide.

And they added that slavery and the slave trade, including the transatlantic slave trade, were “appalling tragedies in human history”, not only because of the barbarities committed, but also because of its magnitude, organization and especially because of the denial of the victims and of the fact itself as a “crime against humanity”.

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The conclusions of a summit between the EU and Celac cited for the first time the territorial dispute over the Falklandsa direct consequence of BrexitSince the United Kingdomwhich disputes the sovereignty of the islands with Argentina, is no longer part of the community club.

Regarding the question of sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands/Falkland Islandsthe European Union took note of the historical position of CELAC based on the importance of dialogue and respect for international law in the peaceful settlement of disputes”.

The leaders promised to hold a summit between the two blocks every two years, the next in 2025 in Colombiaas well as to give continuity to the agreements that are closed.

Source: Elcomercio

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