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France suspends development aid for Niger due to coup

France suspends development aid for Niger due to coup

France suspends development aid for Niger due to coup

France suspended today, “with immediate effect”, its development aid for Nigera country where Paris has strong economic and military interests, and reiterated calls for a return to constitutional order after the coup that on the 26th overthrew the Nigerian president, Mohamed Bazoum.

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In line with what has also been announced by the European Union (EU) and after having warned yesterday, Friday, that Paris will not recognize the authority of the coup leaders, the French Executive decided today to suspend “all its actions of development aid and budgetary support to Niger”.

The measure was announced by the Foreign Ministry in a statement after the French president, Emmanuel Macronwill lead a defense and national security council this afternoon to address the situation in the African country.

France calls for an immediate return to constitutional order in Niger under the presidency of Mohamed Bazoum, elected by the Nigerien people”, stressed the French government in the statement.

Francecolonial power until the independence of Niger in 1960, it has a military detachment of 1,500 troops in the country, the largest deployment in the sahelafter withdrawing from other places where it carried out anti-jihadist operations, such as mali either Burkina Faso.

On the economic level, Niger It is one of the main suppliers of uranium for French nuclear power plants, with around a third of the total in a country where 70% of electricity is generated in atomic reactors.

After the coup against bazoum, Niger is controlled by a military junta, calling itself National Council for the Safeguarding of the Homeland (CNSP), which announced the removal of the president, the suspension of the institutions, the closure of the borders and a night curfew until further notice.

Source: Elcomercio

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