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LIVE | Donald Trump appears in court today in Washington DC

Donald Trump LIVE | The former president of the United States, a clear favorite for the Republican nomination for the 2024 presidential elections, appears this Thursday, August 3, before a court in Washington accused of conspiring to change the result of the 2020 elections.

Hours before his historic appearance Trump He accused his rival, Democratic President Joe Biden, with whom he could be measured again at the polls next year, of having ordered the Justice Department to attribute “as many crimes as can be invented” to him.

“Democrats don’t want to run against me, otherwise they wouldn’t resort to this unprecedented instrumentalization of ‘Justice.’ But soon, in 2024, it will be our turn, ”he added on his Truth Social platform.

“I need one more indictment to guarantee my election!” in 2024, he defiantly held.

He said he is going to Washington for having “questioned a corrupt, rigged and stolen election,” a claim he has repeated without evidence since the 2020 election, which Biden won.

“A great honor”

“It is a great honor, because I am arrested for you. Make America great again!!!”, he added, taking up his famous motto.

It is expected that Trump, 77, attends the preliminary hearing at 4:00 p.m. (20:00 GMT) before the investigating judge Moxila Upadhyaya. Upon her arrival, she will be placed under arrest, fingerprinted, but not photographed. Conditions could be placed on her in order for her to be released.

The case will later go to federal judge Tanya Chutkan, who already ruled against him in a case in 2021.

In a 45-page text released Tuesday, special counsel Jack Smith accuses him of undermining the foundations of American democracy by attempting to tamper with the vote count in the presidential elections, an unprecedented and especially serious charge given that he was president at the time. exercise.

On the contrary, the other two criminal indictments handed down against him this year, one for accounting fraud due to the payment of money to a porn actress to buy her silence and another for having endangered national security with the negligent handling of confidential documents, correspond to to a period before and after his term.

The court where the charges will be read is near the Capitol, the seat of the United States Congress, which was stormed by hundreds of his supporters on January 6, 2021 in their effort to prevent the victory of his Democratic opponent Joe from being certified. Biden.


The assault was “encouraged by the lies” that the defendant told for months about the alleged electoral fraud in favor of Joe Biden, Smith said after making the indictment public.

The authorities have deployed strong security measures around the court, outside which journalists from all over the world camped overnight to ensure a place inside from which to tell this historic moment.

The prosecutor declared on Tuesday that he wants “a trial without delay”, so that it could coincide with the campaign for the 2024 presidential elections, and perhaps with Trump as a candidate. To this day he is the clear favorite for the Republican primaries.

At the moment, the impact of the new indictment on his candidacy is unknown.

Biden, who is on vacation, tries to stay out of his rival’s legal problems, at least in the face of public opinion.

When this Thursday morning, during his bike ride through Rehoboth, Delaware (east), he was asked if he would continue the arraignment against Trump His answer was resounding: “No.”

Despite his legal entanglements, Trump He has the loyalty of a broad section of his party. He holds a substantial lead in the polls for the Republican nomination, far ahead of his closest rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

And this might not be your last judicial headache. The Georgia prosecutor’s office is also investigating whether Trump illegally tried to change the result of the 2020 elections in this southern state of the country.

Source: Elcomercio

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