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Villavicencio’s wife believes he was killed for facing political mafias and drug trafficking

Villavicencio’s wife believes he was killed for facing political mafias and drug trafficking

Villavicencio’s wife believes he was killed for facing political mafias and drug trafficking

Veronica Sarauzwife of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicenciomurdered on Wednesday afternoon by alleged hitmen as he left an electoral rally, believes that he was assassinated because he confronted political mafias and drug traffickers.

My husband was murdered because he was the only one who faced the political mafias and drug traffickers of this country”, he wrote this Thursday on his Twitter account, one day after the attack in which the candidate died.

LOOK HERE: Who is alias ‘Fito’, the leader of Los Choneros who threatened the assassinated Fernando Villavicencio

Unknown persons fired at Villavicencio on Wednesday afternoon when he was leaving the premises of a school, where a rally was ending with a view to the extraordinary general elections next year. 20th of August.

Ecuadorians will go to the polls after the head of state, William Lassodissolved last May the National Assembly (Parliament), with an opposition majority, at a time when it was preparing to debate and vote on his possible dismissal for alleged embezzlement (embezzlement), a charge that the ruler rejected.

By dissolving Parliament, Lasso applied the so-called “cross death”, contemplated in the Constitution, and forced the calling of extraordinary elections to designate who will finish the period for which he was elected, that is, until May 2025.

Immediately after Lasso’s decision, Villavicencio, who was part of the National Assembly dissolved, expressed his joy because he questioned the quality of legislators.


A delegation from fbi (Federal Bureau of Investigation) of USA will come to Ecuador in the next few hours to support the investigation into the murder of Villavicencio.

The arrival of the FBI in Ecuador was confirmed this Thursday on social networks by President Lasso, who indicated that he requested Washington the support of the federal investigative agency to clarify this crime.

After knowing the murder of Villavicencio, the United States Government had offered the Ecuadorian Executive “urgent investigative assistance” through his ambassador in Quito, Michael J Fitzpatrick.

This participation of the FBI in the investigation of the murder is part of the close relationship that the United States and Ecuador have built in the last two years, especially since Lasso came to power, with cooperation in different matters, including security.

So far the authorities have reported the arrest of six Colombians, suspected of having participated in the attack, in which nine people were injured.

MORE INFORMATION: Ecuador: suspect in the murder of Fernando Villavicencio dies after being arrested by the police

One more suspect died after being wounded in the exchange of shots that the attackers had with the security personnel who were protecting the candidate.

The Minister of the Interior, Juan Zapatastated that “Based on the preliminary information collected, it is confirmed that those apprehended belong to organized crime groups.”.

The assassination of Villavicencio, who promised to fight head-on against these gangs and who in recent weeks had denounced death threats against him, has shocked the country, in the midst of an electoral campaign that revolves almost exclusively around the crisis of security that plagues Ecuador.

Source: Elcomercio

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