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Former Argentine FARC guerrilla dies after being arrested during a demonstration in Buenos Aires

molarsa Argentinian identified as a former guerrilla of the FARC of Colombia and who was detained in Bolivia in 2019, died this Thursday after being arrested in a demonstration against the primary elections on Sunday, reported humanitarian organizations.

The man participated along with a few dozen activists from the group People’s Rebellion of an act in the center of Buenos Airesin rejection of the elections in which the parties will choose their candidates for the presidential elections in October.

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The militant and photojournalist molars died as a result of the repression of the City police against a demonstration at the Obelisk”, wrote the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS) on the Twitter network, now named X.

grandmothers of May Plaza was added with a message of “repudiation of the brutal repression of the city ​​police that caused the death of Facundo Molares”.

According to his companions, Morales was a former guerrilla from the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC), who had been detained in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz accused of promoting confrontations during the 2019 electoral process, which ended with the ex-president’s going into exile Evo Morales.

The death was confirmed by the mayor’s office Buenos Aires in a statement, without identifying him.

A protester holds a sign that reads “Murderous Police” after the death of Facundo Morales during a protest against the upcoming primary elections, in Buenos Aires, on August 10, 2023. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP) (LUIS ROBAYO/ )

Resuscitation maneuvers were carried out for more than half an hour, until death was confirmed. The causes of death are related to cardiac arrest due to risk factors”, indicated the part.

The mayor of Buenos Aires and presidential candidate for Together for Change (Center right), Horacio Rodriguez Larretamourned the death in a statement in which he said “highlight and fully support police action”.

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The television channels broadcast a video recorded at the time of Molares’ arrest that shows how the man was being immobilized on the floor, with his hands behind his back, by three police officers from the city of Buenos Aires.

It’s purple, let it breathe”, a woman is heard saying in the video. “It’s dying”, he immediately shouts and asks to call an ambulance.

According to the demonstrators, the police took a long time to start cardiorespiratory resuscitation maneuvers.

We were there in front of the Obelisk in the square, it was a peaceful chat. We were having an assembly about what is going to happen on Sunday, about the voting (…) We were no longer going”, he explained to AFP Delia Delgadoof the Teresa Rodriguez Movementone of the protesters.

Was when “the police sneakily approached” and they started taking people away, he said.

At that moment all the chaos started. We realized later that companions were missing. Five companions were arrested. They had Molares among six policemen in a circle, six policemen above him, turned around, with their knees on the back of the head. The partner was already dead, he was lying for 40 minutes”, he detailed.

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The demonstrators stayed at the Obelisk and put up a large banner that read: “Facundo was murdered by the State”.

Argentina is in an electoral campaign. This Sunday he will hold primaries to define the candidates for the presidential election in October.

The campaign closing ceremonies of the main candidates were canceled amid the commotion over the death on Wednesday of an 11-year-old girl in a robbery meters from her school on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.

Source: Elcomercio

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