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Candidate denounces another attack in Ecuador, one day after the murder of Villavicencio

A candidate for assembly in Ecuador denounced an attack against him just one day after the presidential candidate was assassinated Fernando Villavicenciowhen he was shot at the exit of an electoral rally in Quito.

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stephanie bridgewho is running for assembly member of the province of Los Ríos for the alliance Clear que se puede, of the presidential candidate Yaku Perezclaimed on social networks to have been victim of an attempt on his life when the car where he was traveling through the city of Quevedo was shot.

Today I have been the victim of an attack against my integrity”, he asserted Bridge about the incident, which occurred on Thursday.

The candidate assured that this insecurity crisis is the product of having been “forgotten by an inoperative government, wrapped in corruption, mafias, the result of previous governments (of the fugitives) and the current one, of those who negotiate with criminal groups and are protected by such.”

Likewise, Puente thanked Yaku perez the expressions of solidarity that he has transmitted to him after receiving the attack.

The photos disseminated on social networks and by local media show a vehicle with decorations of election campaign which has apparently received a bullet impact on the left side of the front glass, where the driver is located.

The Rivers It is one of the two provinces along the coastal manabí and to the municipality of Duranlocated in the metropolitan area of ​​the city of Guayaquilwhere since the end of July a state of emergency had been decreed to appease the rise in crime that was registered in those areas.

Product of the deadly attack suffered by Villavicenciothe government of the conservative president William Lasso declared on Wednesday night a new state of emergency for 60 days throughout the national territory to allow the deployment of the Armed Forces, a measure that suspends some fundamental rights such as the inviolability of the home.

As on other previous occasions where this measure has also been taken, the Executive thus seeks to give the population greater peace of mind and curb the wave of insecurity that has plagued the country for more than two years and that the authorities link above all with the organized crime gangs and the drug trafficking.

The murder of Villavicencio has shocked Ecuador as it is a presidential candidate, although this type of attack, like the one suffered by Bridgehad already been raised in previous months against other candidates and politicians.

In a similar way, the mayor of Blanket, Augustine Intriago and a candidate for assembly member from the province of Esmeraldas, bordering with Colombiawhile the mayor of Duran He was also the victim of an attack.

Likewise, in the local elections last February, a candidate for mayor was assassinated one day before the vote.

This violence that is also transferred to the streets, especially on the coast, where drug trafficking routes are located and the ports that the mafias use as large shuttles for cocaine to Europe and North Americahas made Ecuador close 2022 with 25.32 homicides per every 100,000 inhabitants, the highest number in its history.

It is in this context that these extraordinary elections are being held, where the security crisis was practically the only topic of discussion even before the assassination of Villavicencioallegedly in charge of Colombian hitmen who are in pretrial detention by court order.

Source: Elcomercio

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