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Brazilian police suspect that Bolsonaro embezzled gifts from foreign countries

The Federal Police of Brazil suspects that collaborators of Jair Bolsonaro They resold gifts received from foreign countries, in particular jewelry, for the “illicit enrichment” of the far-right former president, a judicial source reported this Friday.

The elements of the police investigation were published in a sentence of the judge of the Supreme Court Alexandre de Moraesto justify the search warrants carried out on Friday in the houses of Bolsonaro’s former assistants.

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“The evidence collected showed that during the presidency of Jair Bolsonaro A structure was created to divert high-value goods that were given to him (…) for the purpose of illicit enrichment”says the sentence of the magistrate.

“Beyond constituting an illegal criminal act, they show total disregard for the Brazilian historical heritage and a lack of respect” to foreign States, expands the text.

Police reported items placed in “a suitcase transported on the presidential plane on December 30”when Bolsonaro it came out of Brazil towards the United States, two days before the inauguration of his successor, the leftist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who defeated him in the presidential elections in October.

Among these State gifts there are two sculptures, one in the shape of a ship and the other of a palm tree, offered by the government of bahrain during a visit from Bolsonaro in 2021.

In addition, there are men’s jewelry offered by Arabia lusuch as a watch and a fountain pen from the luxurious Swiss brand Chopard.

One of those suspected of reselling these gifts is Mauro Cid, former dean of Bolsonaro and considered his right hand during his government. Cid has been in prison since May, arrested for a case of alleged falsification of vaccination certificates against covid-19.

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According to the investigators, the former deputy mentioned in an audio message “$25,000 cash” that would be destined to the former president after the sale of certain assets.

The scandal related to gifts from foreign nations to Jair Bolsonaro It broke out in March, when the Estado de S. Paulo newspaper revealed that high-ranking officials had tried to smuggle jewelry donated by Saudi Arabia into the country without prior declaration.

The jewels in question, including a diamond set believed to be intended for former first lady Michelle Bolsonaro, were seized by customs in October 2021.

But investigators have found evidence of the misappropriation of many other state gifts.

According to him Brazilian Court of Accountsonly gifts “of a very personal nature or minimal monetary value” they can be kept by the head of state at the end of his term.

In April, Bolsonaro testified before the Federal Police in the context of the Saudi jewelery case and denied any wrongdoing.

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Source: Elcomercio

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