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Ecuador: Leader Pedro Briones assassinated in Esmeraldas

Less than a week after the assassination of the presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio in Quito, Ecuador returns to witness the death of another political actor. He is the leader of Citizen revolution in emeralds, Pedro Briones.

This was confirmed by members of the political movement that Briones supported, through social networks. According to what was narrated, two subjects aboard a linear motorcycle went to his house, where they shot him around noon.

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Badly injured, he was transferred with the help of relatives and neighbors to the Delfina Torres de Concha General Hospital, where doctors found that the man had no vital signs. According to information from The universepolice officers identified two bullet wounds on the left side of the neck.

Ecuador lives its bloodiest time”, accused the presidential candidate for Citizen revolution, Luisa Gonzalez. “We owe this to the total abandonment of an inept government and a state taken over by mafias.”, he added.

MORE INFORMATION: Murder of Fernando Villavicencio: “Political violence has removed all spheres of the country”

My solidarity hug to the family of comrade Pedro Briones, who fell into the hands of violence. The change is urgent!”, continued the candidate for the presidency of Ecuador during the next elections 20th of August.

Source: Elcomercio

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