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Another indictment looms against Trump in Georgia for 2020 elections

The prosecutors of Georgia investigating the alleged attempt by the former president donald trump to alter the outcome of the 2020 election in this southern state they began this Monday to present evidence to a grand jury, before a probable indictment.

If that were the case, it would be the fourth indictment in less than six months against Trump, a clear favorite among Republicans for the nomination for the 2024 presidential elections.

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Two of the witnesses said that they were summoned to testify this Monday, instead of Tuesday. In the morning they were preceded by two former Democratic congressmen from Georgiawho testified before the grand jury.

County District Attorney fulton fanny willis created this panel of citizens with investigative powers to determine if there was enough evidence to impeach Trump, particularly for election fraud and interference.

The former president attacked this Monday on his platform TruthSocial against one of the witnesses: former Republican lieutenant governor Geoff Duncansaying that “should not” testify in the case.

And he attacked the prosecutor again, whom he accused of “just wanting to ‘grab Trump’”. He also reiterated, without evidence, that he was the victim of fraud in Georgia in 2020 for the benefit of his rival. Joe Biden.

Phone call

The investigation began in the wake of a January 2021 phone call – the recording of which has been made public – in which Trump asked a local official, brad raffenspergerthat “will find” the approximately 12,000 ballots in his name that he needed to win the 16 electors of Georgia.

In USA the citizens do not directly elect the president but rather designate large electors from each state, who will be the ones who vote for one or the other candidate.

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According to court documents, investigators report “a coordinated, multi-state plan carried out by the Trump campaign” to influence election results.

The charges are expected to reveal “a series of illegal acts to reverse the result of the elections in Georgia: hacking, false statements, harassment, etc.”, lists on social networks Anthony Kreisprofessor of law at the university of this state.

Legal experts predict the prosecutor will turn to an existing Georgia law on organized gang crime, which is often used against gangs and carries penalties of between five and 20 years in prison.

The grand jury has already recommended that a dozen people be indicted, but has not specified who.

To avoid possible pressure or violence, security barriers were installed in front of the court in the center of Atlanta where the research is carried out.

Unlike federal trials, the Georgia court proceedings are televised, but the mogul, who owes much of his fame to a reality show, could ask for a lawyer to represent him.

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Even if he won the 2024 presidential elections, if he were convicted, he could not be pardoned or have the prosecution drop the charges, because this is a case in the courts of the state of Georgia, over which the federal state has no authority.

Trump has been indicted for three other cases: for allegedly attempting to conspire to alter the result of the 2020 elections (in one case in Washington), for negligence in the management of confidential documents (in a court of Florida) and for alleged hidden payments to a former porn actress to buy her silence (in a short NY).

Source: Elcomercio

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