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Brazil: Doctors report threat of dismissal if they do not prescribe the “COVID kit” promoted by Bolsonaro, despite its ineffectiveness

Brazil: Doctors report threat of dismissal if they do not prescribe the “COVID kit” promoted by Bolsonaro, despite its ineffectiveness

Brazil: Doctors report threat of dismissal if they do not prescribe the “COVID kit” promoted by Bolsonaro, despite its ineffectiveness

A group of twelve doctors who work for the insurance company Prevent Senior has denounced this Tuesday pressure and threats of dismissal if they did not prescribe a series of drugs without proven efficacy against the coronavirus that were part of the ‘kit covid‘, promoted by the Government of the President, Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro.

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The doctor’s lawyer, Bruna Morato, explained that they were “harassed and threatened” by the company for which they worked in order to prescribe those eight drugs from the ‘covid kit’, among which was chloroquine, one of the drugs to which Bolsonaro has given all kinds of praise during the pandemic.

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“The doctors, yes, they were instructed to prescribe the kit, which came in a closed and sealed package. He did not even have the autonomy to remove some of them, ”Morato told the Parliamentary Investigation Commission (CPI), in charge of analyzing the government’s management of the health crisis.

“The doctors did not have autonomy”, has remarked Morato, who has also denounced “data manipulation”, “lack of transparency in relation to patients”, as well as “lack of respect for people’s lives.”

Morato has reported that doctors informed patients that they were obliged to prescribe this package consisting of eight drugs, otherwise they would be dismissed, despite the fact that some of them could even be harmful, reports the Globo network.

“It reached a regrettable point. (…) The doctors suggested to the patients that they only use the proteins that were part of that kit ”, said Morato, who before representing his clients has had to defend himself against the attacks he has received for carrying out his job. “I did not come here to talk about politics, I came here to talk about life, really, regardless of the political position.”

The insurer Prevent Senior, which controls some thirty hospitals throughout Brazil, has been in the ICC’s crosshairs after it was accused of having made up the death toll during the pandemic. Its executive director, Pedro Batista Junior, denied the accusations before this commission and defended that the doctors enjoyed “full autonomy.”

However, he came to recognize that the company recommended that doctors modify the ICD – the international classification that catalogs diseases – of patients who had been admitted for coronavirus after two or three weeks hospitalized, which would not only contravene ethics It could also be a crime of falsification of documents.

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