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Guatemala Elections 2023: Arévalo vs. Torres, two very different social democrats face each other this Sunday

Guatemala will elect this Sunday the president number 52 in its history, with the ballot between the former first lady (2008-2012) Sandra Torres Casanova and the progressive academic Bernardo Arevalo de Leonin the midst of a climate of uncertainty.

The 9.3 million Guatemalans summoned to attend the polls must decide whether to Casanova Towersof the National Unity of Hope (JOINS), will be the first woman to govern the country or if arevalo de leonof the Seed Movementwill become the first progressive president in the history of the Central American nation.

The current electoral process has been the most controversial of Guatemala since the implementation of democracy in 1986 and has been clouded by the protagonism of the Public ministry (Prosecutor’s Office) that, since July 12, has tried to cancel the Seed Movement and prevent the participation of arevalo de leon.

According to experts consulted by EFE, in these elections The continuity of a system that has weakened democracy and has guaranteed impunity for traditional politicians in the Central American country is at stake.

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Casanova Towers67, is an experienced politician who trusts in her alliances with mayors from different regions of the country and in the rural structure that her party has built for more than 15 years to win the election.

The former first lady lost the runoffs of 2015 and 2019 and, according to experts, his past linked to corruption cases generates a strong anti-vote in the urban areas of the country.

In the first round, on June 25, Casanova Towers First place was consolidated with almost 900,000 votes, which represented 15% of the electorate.

For his part, arevalo de leon64, driven by an anti-corruption proposal and the image of his father, the former president Juan Jose Arevalo Bermejo (1945-1951), surprised on June 25 by getting second place with more than 600,000 votes, despite the fact that the polls placed him in eighth place.

His advance caused the Public ministrymade up of prosecutors sanctioned for corruption by USAwill initiate a crusade of arrest warrants and attempts to cancel the match due to an alleged case of anomalies in the registration process of the Seed Movement in 2018.

In the week prior to the balloting, the polls place arevalo de leon as a favorite with 61% of the intention to vote, while Casanova Towers accumulates 37%.

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The prosecutor Rafael Curruchichein charge of the case against Seeddid not rule out that after the ballot for the presidency, he issued arrest warrants and requests for pretrial proceedings against members of the party for the alleged case of corruption.

The Organization of American States (OAS) and the US Department of State USA They lead the international actors who have asked to “respect the popular will” that is expressed at the polls in the Central American country.

Two days ago, Arévalo de León assured that “After winning the choice the corrupt they will do anything” to prevent him from assuming power next January 14.

The winner of the election will assume the Presidency from 2024 to 2028 and will replace the Administration he presides over Alejandro Giammatteia conservative politician who during his government has been linked to dozens of cases of bribery and corruption.

Source: Elcomercio

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