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Mexico registers 700 deaths from coronavirus in one day and 9,792 new infections

The Ministry of Health of Mexico reported this Tuesday 700 new deaths from coronavirus covid-19 for a total of 276,376 deaths, in addition to another 9,792 new cases to reach 3,645,599 infections.

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With these figures, Mexico It remains the fourth country with the most deaths from covid-19 behind the United States, Brazil and India, and the fifteenth in number of confirmed infections, according to the Johns Hopkins University count.

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A week ago, the Mexican government assured that the third wave of covid-19 that has affected the country for more than three months reached eight weeks of reduction.

The health authorities have recognized that, based on the death certificates, the pandemic would be around 400,000 deaths in the country and estimate that Mexico actually accumulates 3,861,416 infections.

Of this number, 61,217 are active cases, which have presented symptoms during the last 14 days and represent 1.6%.

In addition, since the beginning of the pandemic, 2,999,060 people have recovered.

The average occupancy of general beds in Mexican hospitals is 34% and 30% for intensive care beds.

With regard to deaths, Mexico City – the focus of the pandemic – accounts for 18.2% of all deaths nationwide.


The authorities also indicated that the vaccination program, which includes all those over 18 years of age, accumulates 99.86 million doses applied, adding 502,268 during the last day.

Of the 126 million inhabitants of Mexico, 44.9 million have completed the vaccination schedule.

This Tuesday, Mexico received 551,070 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and 854,520 of CanSino.

Since the end of December 2020, the country has received 116.35 million doses of the Anglo-Swedish vaccines AstraZeneca, the Russian Sputnik V, the American Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna, in addition to the Chinese CanSino and Sinovac.

According to estimates by the Mexican Government, by the end of October more than 120 million doses will have been received and before the end of 2021 there will be a total of 150 million doses.


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