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Colombia and ELN define critical conflict zones for humanitarian actions

Colombia and ELN define critical conflict zones for humanitarian actions

Colombia and ELN define critical conflict zones for humanitarian actions

The government of Colombia and the guerrilla National Liberation Army (THE N) agreed this Monday, one month after the truce, to establish “critical zones” in regions affected by the armed conflict, which according to the insurgents have “been under fire.”

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“We have given emphasis to some critical areas”said the guerrilla leader Pablo Beltrán at the closing ceremony of the negotiations in Caracaswhich will resume in Mexico on a date to be defined.

It is where there have been the most attacks against the communities and we are trying to honor a criteria what has been tax at this table, which is what is being agreed, is being implemented”, he added.

From the government side they celebrated the progress in the talks: “We reached new agreements that bring us very close more to peace dear for all and all”, said the representative of the Executive, Otty Patino.

The agreement of Caracas “sets out the principles and approaches with which we hope the cessation will fulfill its humanitarian purpose”according to the text read at the event.

Declare the Under Calima and San Juanin it Cauca’s Valley (east), one of the sources of the conflict, as “critical areas” and propose other regions to add to this denomination.

There will be actions and humanitarian dynamicsguarantees for compliance with the bilateral, national and temporary ceasefire, the participation of communities in the peace process and social development projects, which will be accompanied by the National Planning Department”, the text specified.

In the coming weeks, the delegations They will travel to the territories to carry out activities related to the cessation of bilateral firethe participation of society in peace processes, and the development of social pedagogy of all and these issues”.

The ELN -with 5,851 members, according to intelligence figures from 2022- became the longest-running leftist organization in the Americas after the disarmament of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARCMarxists), in 2017.

Colombian President Gustavo Petrowho is celebrating one year in power, resumed peace negotiations with this warfare Guevarista in November 2022, after they were suspended by his predecessor, Ivan Duke (2018-2022), after an attack that left twenty police officers dead in a training school.

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“Obstacles to this process”

The truce with verification of the UN it was agreed in the previous cycle of talks held in Havana and entered into force on August 3.

We have to verify that the Ceasefire has been under fire“He pointed out, however. beltran. “There has been a very intense media campaign by the big media, the big communication companies, seeking to place obstacles to this process.”

There have also been very inclement attacks on communities that try to develop a social oversight of this ceasefire and to participate in the different activities that seek to integrate all sectors of Colombia the peace process”, he continued. “The assessment that we make of these attacks, both media such as military attacks on the ground, is that they obey sectors that are happy with the structural crisis that the country lives and they do not want there to be changes towards a democratization”.

Petro also talks with dissidents from the FARC who did not lay down their weapons or took them back, responsible for recent attacks that killed four policemen in the Caucasouthwest of Colombia. He also negotiates with groups paramilitaries and gangs.

The table with the THE N was marred at the beginning of August by a complaint from the Prosecutor’s Office about an alleged assassination plan against the head of the Public Ministry by the warfarewho denied the accusation and said that it was a sabotage of dialogue

Source: Elcomercio

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