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Maduro assures that there is a “very long list” of migrants who want to return to Venezuela

The president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduroassured this Monday that, in embassies and consulates of the Caribbean nation in countries such as Ecuador, Peru or Chile, among others, there is a “very long list” of migrants who want to return, after having been victims of slavery and labor exploitation.

Many of them were in absolute despair (…) because most of them have had to suffer humiliation, humiliation, slave labor, fraud, mistreatment and, in despair, have gone to consulates and embassies of Venezuela in those countries. We have a very long list and we have returned to all that we could”, said the president during his weekly program “With Maduro +”.

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He celebrated the return of these people who were in “Absolute despair” has been done through the Return to the Homeland Planlaunched in 2018 to facilitate the return of migrantsand with which more than 340,000 Venezuelans have returned to the country, according to data cited in the program and recently reported by the Foreign Ministry.

However, the figure differs by more than 1,000% from the last one provided by the Executive, corresponding to last May, when it assured that the people who had returned to Venezuela through the government plan were 30,900 and that more than 300,000 returned on their own means, through channels outside the control of the Government.

In this regard, Maduro asserted that his government is working so that the Plan Vuelta a la Patria “multiply” and “continue“, for the purpose of “to be able to receive all Venezuelans who are in a situation of slave labor”.

MORE INFORMATION: Neither buoys, nor fences, nor barbed wire stop the passage of migrants to the United States.

He added that they are preparing a “mission of a social nature to protect Venezuelan migrants abroad and to open the channel for them, the return route” to your country.

On September 1, the state channel VTV reported that a group of 162 Venezuelans returned from Peru with the government plan.

Source: Elcomercio

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