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The planet had, with August, the 3 hottest consecutive months since there are records

The planet had, with August, the 3 hottest consecutive months since there are records

The planet had, with August, the 3 hottest consecutive months since there are records

The planet had, with the month of August, the three hottest consecutive months since there are records according to data confirmed by the service dedicated to the climate change Copernicus, announced today the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

By a considerable margin, last month was the hottest August since there are measurements and it was the second hottest among all the months, after the last month of July, which broke all the records.

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August has been estimated to have been 1.5 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial era between 1850 and 1900, and the year 2023 is so far considered (with measurements taken from January to August) the second warmest after 2016.

In both years -2016 and 2023- it has developed The boya powerful weather phenomenon which increases the temperatures of the waters of the eastern equatorial pacific and accentuates certain Meteorological phenomena in different parts of the planet, such as abundant rains or droughts.

The observations of the Copernicus servicefunded by the European Unionindicate that last August the monthly temperatures of the sea surface were the highest ever recorded -compared to any other month of the year- and stood at 20.98 degrees.

Thus, last month the previous record temperatures, corresponding to March 2016, were exceeded every day.

Another aspect that reflects the dramatic changes in climate is the reduction of the ice cover of the Arcticwhich remains at a record low level for this time of year, with a monthly value 12% lower than the average.

This is the largest negative anomaly for August since satellite observations began in that area of ​​the planet, in the late 1970s.

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The general secretary of the WMOthe Finnish scientist Petteri Taalasrecalled that the northern hemisphere has lived in the last two months “a summer of all extremes” and that this has happened before the El Niño phenomenon deployment of its full impact, which is generally registered in the second year of its development, that is, in 2024.

What we are observing is a clear consequence of warming weather systems”, said the director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, Carlos Buontempoquoted in a statement.

Source: Elcomercio

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