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Hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 increase in the US towards the end of the summer

Hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 increase in the US towards the end of the summer

Hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 increase in the US towards the end of the summer

Hospitalizations for cases of covid-19 in USA increased 15.7% in one week and deaths from the disease increased 17.6% in the same period, according to the Centers for the Control and Prevention of Diseases (CDC).

In the week that ended on August 26, 17,418 patients were hospitalized for covid-19compared to 97,820 at the end of August 2021 and 35,571 at the end of August 2022.

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The most recent data of the CDC show that hospitalizations for coronavirus they have remained stable or have registered increases in 47 states, and in 26 of them the increase in hospitalizations has been substantial.

The increase in infections is common towards the end of summer and Peter Chin Hongexpert in infectious diseases in the University of Californiaindicated that a decline can now be expected to be followed by another increase at the end of the autumn and beginning of winter.

This has been the pattern for the last three years”, Ching-Hong told The Hill newspaper. “And it is possible that this is how the covid is established: a small increase in the summer and a higher one in the cases in the transition from autumn to winter”.

Increases in hospitalizations and deaths have resumed in USA controversy over the use of masksthe vaccinesstudent attendance at schools and the return to the offices of staff who have been working from home.

We are more prepared than ever”, told the media the director of the CDC, Mandy Cohenwho emphasized the immunity more widespread among the population due to vaccinations or infection.

Immunity is now stronger than at any time since the outbreak of the pandemic. But we must still be cautious because the protection weakens over time”, he exposed.

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Since the start of the pandemic in the United States in early 2020, some 6.3 million people have been hospitalized for covid-19, more than 1.13 million have died from the disease, and 153.8 million doses of vaccines have been administered. .

The disease has become more treatable and less severe, but experts warn that the virus it continues to mutate.

Even now we see a new change appearing in the virus and we are learning more about what that means. It is a reminder that we need to stay ahead of this virus.Cohen noted.

Source: Elcomercio

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