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Ecuadorian court orders change of prison for dangerous prisoner and the Government protests

A Court of Justice of Ecuador This Friday, he ordered the return to a regular prison of the prisoner José Adolfo Macías, known by the alias “Fito”, who was held in the La Roca maximum security prison as he was considered dangerous.

After the announcement made by the Court of Justice of the province of Guayas, whose capital is Guayaquilthe national government rejected the decision and described it as “outrageous.”

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According to a message from the Court through the X social network, a judge accepted a request from the prisoner and “ordered his return” to the Social Rehabilitation Center (CRS) Number 4, given the lack of justifications that the National Service for Comprehensive Attention to Persons Deprived of Liberty (SNAI) had to present.

The judge of the case “He pointed out that the SNAI did not present reports (about the prisoner) justifying his transfer to La Roca” and “He ordered that he be assigned a new cell without privileges” in CRS 4, also known as Guayaquil Regional Prison.

In this regard, the Presidency of the Republic reacted to the judicial decision and once again attacked certain judges who apply rulings that displease the Executive.

“The decision of Judge Diego Poma, of the Specialized Judicial Unit for Penitentiary Guarantees, based in the canton, is outrageous. Guayaquilto order the transfer” of “Fito” from La Roca to the Guayaquil Regional, the Presidency said in a statement.

Likewise, he indicated that the judge has not assessed “the criminal history of this person and the danger he represents for Ecuadorian society”hence, “As it is a matter of national security and thinking about the safety of Ecuadorians, the SNAI “will exhaust all legal mechanisms to achieve the revocation of this outrageous decision.”.

“We want to insist to citizens that the actions of dishonest judges put their safety at risk and boycott the work of the National Police and the Armed Forces who risk their lives every day in the fight against organized crime.”concluded the Presidency.

On August 12, “Fito” was transferred from the Guayaquil Regional Prison to La Roca, after an intervention by law enforcement for security reasons, in which nearly 4,000 police and military personnel participated.

“Fito” has been identified as the alleged leader of the criminal gang “Los Choneros”, but was also mentioned by the assassinated presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio as part of the death threats he had received days before his crime occurred on August 9.

The prisoner was sentenced in 2011 to 34 years in prison for organized crime, drug trafficking and murder, and in 2013 he escaped from La Roca along with other prisoners, until he was recaptured months later.

He has also been linked to being behind some of the series of prison massacres that have occurred in Ecuador since 2020 and which have left more than 400 prisoners murdered in clashes between rival gangs over the dispute over control of the prisons.

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Source: Elcomercio

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