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Putin calls court cases against Trump “political persecution”

Putin calls court cases against Trump “political persecution”

Putin calls court cases against Trump “political persecution”

The Russian president, Vladimir Putinsaid on Tuesday that the former US president donald trump He was the victim of “political persecution” motivated by his decision to run for the presidency of USA in the 2024 elections against Joe Biden.

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This is a politically motivated persecution by your competitor“, said Putin at an economic forum in Vladivostok, in Russia’s Far East, saying it showed “the perversion of the American system”.

donald trump faces multiple legal proceedings in the United States for alleged electoral pressure during the 2020 presidential election, alleged payments to a former porn actress and alleged negligence in the handling of state secrets after his departure from the White House.

The former US president denounces political persecution.

On your side, Putin On the other hand, he indicated that does not expect a change policy American regarding RussiaWhoever wins the presidential election next year.

I think that there will be no fundamental changes in the direction of the foreign policy of USA with respect to Russiait matters little who will be elected president”, he assured.

Putin accused the current authorities in Washington having installed “an anti-Russian sentiment in the American society”.

Putin also once again rejected accusations of closeness between trump and Russiaand indicated that the former president multiplied the sanctions against Moscow when he was at the head of the White House.

Source: Elcomercio

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