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The US Secretary of State ends the post-Cold War era

The US Secretary of State ends the post-Cold War era

The US Secretary of State ends the post-Cold War era

The Secretary of State of USA, Anthony Blinkensaid this Wednesday that the era post-Cold War has ended the Russian invasion of Ukraine and claimed that his country must lead the new period with “humility.”

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During a talk at Johns Hopkins Universitythe leader of American diplomacy said that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is “the greatest threat to the international order” after several years of “geopolitical stability” that began with the end of the Cold War.

Furthermore, he accused China of being “the biggest long-term challenge” because he has deployed his economic powerdiplomatic, military and technological” to alter the international order and make “a more authoritarian world.”

“We are at a point of inflection: one era has ended and a new one is beginning. The decisions we make now will shape the future for decades to come.”, he warned before dozens of students.

Blinken explained that USA is pursuing the leadership of this new period since “humility“because you need to earn the”trust” from other countries.

We recognize that leadership begins with listening to and understanding the problems of others so that we can find common ground”, he detailed.

The secretary of State opted for a diplomacy of “variable geometry”, through which specific alliances are sought to solve specific problems, instead of configuring large ideological blocks.

Although democratic countries are a priority for the Government of Joe Biden, Blinken explained that USA this “determined to work with any country, including those that differ on important issues, as long as they want to solve common problems” As the climate changefood insecurity or migratory crises.

The Foreign Minister cited the strengthening of the NATO and the relationships with European Unionwith India, with African countries, Pacific Asia and of middle Eastincluding Arabia Saudi.

In that sense, he believed that USA has a significantly stronger position in the world than two and a half years ago“, when the former president governed donald trump (2017-2021).

Blinken It showed itself “convinced” that when historians talk about this time they will say that USA acted in a mannerdecisive, strategic and humble” for “lay the foundations for a freer and more prosperous world”.

Source: Elcomercio

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