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STRAIGHT. War in Ukraine: authorities ordered the evacuation of civilians in the Kherson region


  • The fighting near Bakhmut is still going on. Kyiv announced that it had recaptured the village of Andreevka from Russian forces before changing its mind.
  • Kim Jong-un spoke with Vladimir Putin on Wednesday. To seal their agreement, the two men gave each other rifles.
  • The Russian President accepted an invitation to visit North Korea on Thursday.
  • Russia expels two American diplomats on espionage charges. A decision that Washington considers “unreasonable.”
  • The International Criminal Court (ICC) opens an office in Kyiv.

Ukrainian teenagers are preparing for war

Rifle shooting, disassembling a Kalashnikov assault rifle and learning to pilot drones: at a training center in Lviv in western Ukraine, about ten teenagers are preparing for a real war that has lasted more than a year and a half.

Girls and boys take turns picking up a black machine gun, awkwardly holding it under the eyes of their instructor, and learn to shoot at virtual targets in a forest landscape, which is displayed through a projector on a white screen.

In another classroom, a man in an army uniform with a Ukrainian flag on his shoulder shows students how to disassemble and reassemble a Kalashnikov assault rifle piece by piece. Then it’s time to familiarize yourself with pistols, grenades, mines and gas masks. There are so many elements that are now part of everyday life at the front in Ukraine. In the 19th month of the Russian invasion, conflict is omnipresent in Ukrainian society, even to the point of interfering with children’s games and school curricula.


Kim Jong-un will visit an aircraft factory in the Russian Far East

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived this Friday morning in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in Russia’s Far East to visit an aircraft factory, continuing his trip to Russia, a country Washington suspects of wanting to buy weapons from Pyongyang to support its attack on China. Ukraine.

On Wednesday, on his first official trip abroad since the Covid pandemic, the Pyongyang leader met Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Vostochny (Vostok) Cosmodrome to strengthen ties between the two countries, especially in the military sphere.


The authorities ordered the evacuation of civilians in the Kherson region

“The Kherson Regional Defense Council decided to forcibly evacuate families with children from settlements exposed to constant enemy shelling,” Governor Alexander Prokudin said on Telegram.

In the Kherson region, Russian troops control areas south of the Dnieper River after their withdrawal last year from the city of Kherson, the regional capital, which is regularly bombed.


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Welcome to the live broadcast dedicated to the war in Ukraine and its consequences.

Source: Le Parisien

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