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More than 1,000 migrants arrive in Lampedusa during Von der Leyen and Meloni’s visit

More than 1,000 migrants arrive in Lampedusa during Von der Leyen and Meloni’s visit

More than 1,000 migrants arrive in Lampedusa during Von der Leyen and Meloni’s visit

More than 1,000 migrants arrived in the last few hours on the Italian island of Lampedusawhere the President of the European Commission traveled today, Ursula von der Leyenand the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Melonito learn about the migratory pressure on the enclave.

According to Italian Red Crosswhich manages the port’s reception center, there are around 1,500 people waiting to be transferred to facilities with a capacity for 400.

LOOK HERE: More than 10 thousand migrants in 72 hours: the Italian island of Lampedusa in emergency situation due to a wave of refugees

With the visit of the European president to the island, the closest to the African coast, Meloni will try to obtain a greater commitment of aid from the European Union after situations that exceeded their assistance capacity, such as the arrival of more than 10 thousand migrants in just three days this week.

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, during a visit to the Italian island of Lampedusa. (Photo by Brochure / ANSA / AFP) (PHOTO /)

The tension on the island led residents to call for a protest to denounce the lack of resources and NGOs that provide humanitarian assistance at sea demand Von der Leyen a meeting.

However, the number of barges attempting to cross the Mediterranean in precarious conditions, mainly Tunisia It is Libyais not limited to the coasts of Lampedusa and relief operations take place in other locations.

The bouquet GeoBarentsfrom the NGO Doctors Without Borders (MSF), between yesterday and today rescued more than 471 migrants, including 205 minors, during eleven rescue missions coordinated with the Italian authorities, who designated the port of Brindisi (in the south of the peninsula) for your disembarkation.

Also the ship Diciotti, from Coast Guardarrived at the port of Reggio Calabria (south) with 700 migrants rescued in another series of operations.

Faced with the emergency, Meloni wrote a letter to the President of the Commission on Friday night, asking her to visit the island “personally understand the gravity of the situation”.

Migrants rest in a camp in the port of the Italian island of Lampedusa, on September 16, 2023. (Photo by Zakaria ABDELKAFI/AFP)

Migrants rest in a camp in the port of the Italian island of Lampedusa, on September 16, 2023. (Photo by Zakaria ABDELKAFI/AFP) (ZAKARIA ABDELKAFI/)

Likewise, it announced a package of measures to dissuade migrants who try to arrive irregularly in Italy, among them, extending to 18 months, the maximum allowed by law, the period of confinement in detention centers for people awaiting repatriation.

MORE INFORMATION: Pope Francis calls for protection of “human dignity” in the face of the “migratory phenomenon”

Also the interior ministers Italy, Spain, France, Germany You had a telephone conversation last night with the European Commissioner, Ylva Johanssonto face migratory pressure on the Mediterranean coasts, especially after the massive arrivals in Italy in recent days.

We need to give maximum political impetus to the implementation of a new operational strategy against human trafficking that ultimately aims to implement concrete initiatives aimed at blocking exits at the source.“, declared the head of the Interior, Piantedosi, in a statement.

With the numbers constantly evolving, so far this year 127,207 immigrants have disembarked in Italy, almost double the 66,237 in the same period in 2022 and triple the number in 2021 (42,750), according to the latest data updated by the interior Ministery.

Source: Elcomercio

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