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The United States demands that Azerbaijan stop hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh

The Secretary of State for U.SAntony Blinken demanded on Tuesday that Azerbaijan cease hostilities in the Nagorno-Karabakh region and accused the Azerbaijani government of putting peace with Armenia at risk.

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“The United States is deeply concerned about Azerbaijan’s military actions in Nagorno Karabakh and urges Azerbaijan to immediately cease such actions,” Blinken, who is in New York attending the UN General Assembly, said in a statement.

Azerbaijan launched a military operation on Tuesday in the separatist territory of Nagorno Karabakh after reporting provocations and terrorist attacks by Armeniawho described the offensive that takes place three years after the last war between both sides as “ethnic cleansing”.

The head of US diplomacy criticized that this operation is “worsening the already critical humanitarian situation” in the region and “wasting the possibilities for peace”.

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“As we have already warned Azerbaijanthe use of force to resolve disputes is unacceptable and goes against attempts to create the conditions for a just peace,” he said.

After weeks of armed clashes and mutual accusations of troop concentration, not only around Karabakh, but also on the border between the two countries, tensions between the two peoples, who have been fighting each other since 1988 for control of that enclave, which belongs to Azerbaijan, but is inhabited by around 120 thousand Armenians.

Last June, Blinken mediated peace talks between Azerbaijan It is Armenia which were carried out in Washington without any specific agreements being reached.

Source: Elcomercio

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