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Charles III calls for the “revitalization” of ties between France and the United Kingdom

Charles III calls for the “revitalization” of ties between France and the United Kingdom

Charles III calls for the “revitalization” of ties between France and the United Kingdom

the british king Charles III appealed this Wednesday France is for UK for “revitalize” their ties, during a sumptuous dinner at the Palace of Versailles in his honor, as part of his state visit to Paris.

It is up to all of us to revitalize our friendship so that it is up to the challenges of the 21st century.“, declared the 74-year-old sovereign, during a toast at the Hall of mirrors in Versailles before his host, the French president Emmanuel Macron.

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Charles III He ascended the throne in September 2022, following the death of his mother Elizabeth IIand he planned to take his first trip abroad in March Francebut a social conflict forced him to postpone it.

The first trip was like this for Germanybut the desire to visit France remained and finally started this Wednesday, with the original schedule tight in Paris It is Bordeaux (southwest, Friday), almost unchanged.

Under the pleasant blue sky of the French capital, Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte welcomed the royal couple in the afternoon at Arch of Triumphthus beginning your three-day visit.

The heads of state walked along the emblematic avenue of Elysian Fields aboard a convertible from which they greeted thousands of onlookers, heading towards the Elysee Palacewhere they met.

At the end of the meeting, Macron and Carlos III walked to the nearby British embassy, ​​stopping to greet Parisians waiting behind security fences, some shouting: “Long live the king!”.

He has a very high bar“said Ellie, an Australian nurse traveling Europe. “Queen Elizabeth was a person closer to the people than he was”.

Blue lobster and pink macaron

However, the most anticipated moment of the day and the visit was the reception at the Palace of Versaillessymbol of French royalty and the bloody republican revolution of 1789, where the royal couple was once again received by Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron.

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The greeting between the couples was warm and the “first lady”The Frenchman greeted again Camila with two kisses and even helped her rearrange the cover of her dress, from the French house Diortwo unthinkable gestures with the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Politicians, businesspeople and celebrities from both countries like the actor Hugh Grantthe actress Charlotte Gainsbourg or the singer Mick Jagger Shortly before, they walked the red carpet that took them to the agape of blue lobster, birds from Bresse and macaron with rose for dessert.

Whenever there was a desire to mark a privileged relationship with England, there was a reception at Versailles”, just as in 1957 with Isabel II, a year after the crisis of Suez canalaccording to the historian Fabien Oppermann.

But the election was not without risks for Macron, in a context of inflation.

I wasn’t completely opposed to the visit, but when you see the menu, given the current situation, it shocks me a little. They could have done it at Elisha“, he said Laurence Bosa 68-year-old Versailles resident faced the curious gift.

“Despite Brexit”

The trip by the king, who maintains a very good personal relationship with the French president, is also seen as a strategy of ‘soft power‘from the British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunakto restore relations between the two countries.

The departure of UK from the European Union (EU) has caused political tensions on both sides of the English Channel over fishing or migration, among others, and Macron has had a particularly complicated relationship with the former British head of government Boris Johnson.

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despite the Brexitbecause what unites us comes from so far away and because you are here today, Majesty, I know that together we will continue to write part of the future of our continent“said the president, for whom Carlos III’s visit is a”tribute”to the past of both countries and“a guarantee for the future”.

The two countries should also celebrate in April the 120th anniversary of “Entente Cordial”, which ended centuries of conflict between the two.

The visit of Carlos III, who tries to consolidate his international image, will continue on Thursday with a speech before the Senate, a visit to the cathedrals of Saint Denisnorth of Paris, and Notre Dameas well as acts dedicated to the 2024 Olympics is for climate change.

Source: Elcomercio

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