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Four children are among the 17 French people missing after the Hamas offensive against Israel

Four children are among the 17 French people who disappeared after the attack by the Palestinian Islamic group Hamas against Israelindicated this Thursday the French president, Emmanuel Macronduring a meeting with political leaders in Paris.

Macron, who is expected to address the French at 8pm (6pm) in a televised message, met hours earlier with the leaders of the main political parties, to whom he specified the number of missing people, two participants told AFP.

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They expressed their condemnation of Hamas’ attacks, albeit with nuances. The radical left party France Insoumise (LFI) has been the target of criticism for days for not describing the Palestinian Islamic group as “terrorists”.

At least 12 French citizens died after the attack, according to the latest report this Thursday from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Regarding the 17 missing, Hamas could have taken most of them hostage.

The surprise offensive launched on October 7 and its response, which left thousands dead on both sides and 150 captured by Hamas on Israeli soil, also shook France politically and symbolically, which is home to the largest Jewish community in Europe.

The Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmanin, indicated this Thursday that there have been “more than a hundred anti-Semitic acts” since Saturday, ranging from graffiti to insults against the Jewish community. Authorities arrested 41 people.

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Darmanin, however, ruled out an extension of the conflict to France, where there is currently no “Islamic terrorist threat” against the Jews, but denounced the “political” support of Hamas in the country.

French authorities are investigating the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) for advocating terrorism, following a statement in which this far-left party expresses its “support for the Palestinians” and their “means of struggle”.

Source: Elcomercio

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