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Macron promises to do everything possible to free French hostages held by Hamas

The president Emmanuel Macron This Friday he promised to do “everything possible” to obtain the release of the French kidnapped in Israel per Hamas.

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France He does not abandon his own. “We are doing everything possible to obtain the release and return of our compatriots.”stated the French head of state on X (formerly Twitter).

In video conference Elysium with the families of those kidnapped, Macron guaranteed families “its full mobilization, like that of all State services, to obtain its releaseannounced sources at French presidential headquarters.

Everything possible will be done to ensure they return safely to the France“, they added.

Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel caused the death of 28 French and seven more are missing, several of whom are believed to be hostages in Gaza.

Macrontogether with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Catarina Colonnainsisted on families to have support “of all French” and he emphasized to them his “determination to fight tirelessly against all forms of terrorism”.

Source: Elcomercio

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