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Maduro accuses opposition of “selling a mega-fraud to the world” with Venezuelan primaries

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Madurothis Monday accused the Venezuelan opposition of “sell a mega fraud to the world“with the opposition primaries held yesterday, and generate with them”One piece” for “disturb”the country within the scope of presidential elections scheduled for 2024.

On your weekly show With Mature +the national leader guaranteed that these elections, in which the former deputy Maria Corina Machadorepresents “a movement to try to take advantage (…) of the next Venezuelan electoral process in 2024 to see if they can raise something, if they can try to disrupt national life, if they can put the country back into violence”.

LOOK HERE: What could happen to María Corina Machado’s presidential candidacy after winning the opposition primaries?

Maduro called the process “mockery”from the opposition leadership towards its followers, and assured that it is part of the plans that“ever“performs anti-Chavism for”blackmail the country from abroad, ask for sanctions and ask for invasions”.

They come with a unique discourse: hatred, intolerance, revenge, and yesterday they tried to put on a show, a mega fraud, to present the same error to the world again.,” he insisted.

The head of state asked anti-Chavista leaders to stop these alleged plans of violence and appealed to opponents of his government not to let themselves “betray“, none “manipulate”for the leaders who participated in the internal events.

In turn, the first lady, Cília Floresdescribed as “fraud” the primaries and stated that “fraud is a crime“so he hopes those responsible”respond to authorities”.


Previously, Chavismo’s number two, God given hairwho from the beginning of the primary process insisted that they would not be detained, assured that it was a “electoral fraud” what “attacks true democracy”and what will be“put an end to traditional festivals”from the opposition.

Oppositionist María Corina Machado was the winner of this Sunday’s electoral contest with 92.56% of the votes, according to the second official bulletin, based on 64.88% of the votes counted.

A disqualification imposed by the Controller in 2015 and extended until 2030, meaning the former deputy will not be able to hold elected office unless the sanction is lifted.

Source: Elcomercio

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