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Machado claims that Chavista supporters also voted in the opposition primaries

The winner of the opposition primaries in Venezuela Maria Corina Machado He assured this Tuesday that supporters of the chavismo They also voted in these elections, held on Sunday with the aim of electing the unitary candidate to face the party in power in the 2024 presidential elections.

In response to accusations of chavismo and other sectors adverse to the opposition regarding alleged irregularities in the process, including numbers “inflated”of participation, the former deputy said this Tuesday that the parties in power”They don’t even fool their own people“, what “He also went out to vote on October 22”.

LOOK HERE: What could happen to María Corina Machado’s presidential candidacy after winning the opposition primaries?

During a press conference, Machado assured that “There were no elections with greater electoral and citizen scrutiny” like the recent primaries, starring “us“, what “set up the centers, organized themselves, transported the material, mobilized”For other voters and ensured safety.

It was an absolutely civil process, where there were practically no attacks, and where there were, the people themselves repelled the aggressors and the violent (…) So, who are they kidding? They don’t even fool their own people“, he said.

The leader, who won with almost 1.5 million votes92.56% of the total, in the absence of 35.12% of the minutes to be examined, expressed that they have the “open arms“to receive”all those who have genuine interests” at the “liberation of the country”.

MORE INFORMATION: Results of the 2023 primary elections in Venezuela LIVE: María Corina Machado rallies to be Maduro’s rival

We’ve already had people who didn’t participate in the primaries, whose names I won’t disclose because I’d rather they did, who are reaching out and saying they want to be part of this movement, because what happened on Sunday was great, powerful, unstoppable“, said Machado, who is disqualified from holding elected office.

Chavismo’s number two, God given hairwho from the beginning of the primary process insisted that they would not be carried out, described this process as a “electoral fraud” that “attacks true democracy” and denied the presence of voters at voting centers.

Source: Elcomercio

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