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Putin oversees ballistic missile tests for “massive” nuclear response

Putin oversees ballistic missile tests for “massive” nuclear response

Putin oversees ballistic missile tests for “massive” nuclear response

The Russian President, Vladimir Putinremotely supervised a ballistic missile test this Wednesday, in response maneuvers to a possible “enemy nuclear bombing”.

“Under the leadership of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Vladimir Putin, they happened training of land, sea and air forces integrated into nuclear deterrence forces”The Kremlin said in a statement.

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According to the Minister of Defense, Sergei ShoiguThese exercises consist by simulating “the launch of a massive nuclear attack by strategic offensive forces in response to an enemy nuclear attack.”

During these exercises, Iars intercontinental ballistic missile was fired from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the north of Russiaand another Sineva ballistic missile of a submarine in Barents Sea, the Kremlin detailed.

According to the same source, Long-range Tu-95MS aircraft also fired cruise missiles.

Russian public television broadcast a short clip showing Putin listening to Shoigu’s report and Chief of Staff Valéri Gerasimov after the maneuvers.

Those exercises They are made public on the same day that the Upper House of the Russian Parliament approved the revocation of the ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), a step towards abandoning this non-proliferation commitment.

Putin said in early October that he could say whether or not his country would resume nuclear testing. However, he announced that Moscow might revoke its ratification of the CTBT in response to the United States never ratifying it.

Since the beginning of conflict in Ukraine In February 2022, Putin repeatedly mentioned the possible use of nuclear weapons. Russia deployed tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, its closest ally and EU neighbor, in the summer of 2023.

Source: Elcomercio

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